40 MFM Prayers For Mercy And Forgiveness

40 MFM Prayers For Mercy And Forgiveness

40 MFM Prayers For Mercy And Forgiveness

Psalms 51:1-5  Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

The prayer of Mercy and forgiveness is an important prayer needed by everyone as the bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) therefore this is a prayer for all.

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

However, in case you have done something specifically that you still feel guilty about or that you have not prayed about at all, here and now is a good time to do that as we offer these 40 MFM prayers for mercy and forgiveness.

As humans we sin against God everyday, in our words, thoughts, actions and even inactions by doing things that displease our neighbors, spouses, families and even ourselves.

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Of a truth, Moses gave the ten commandments in the old testament (Exodus 20) which were like the basis of what we call sin today, but much more than the 10 commandments, Christ helped us to understand that we must work in love with everyone (1 John 4 kjv)

He made us know through the Scriptures that Love is paramount, Love towards God, Love towards your neighbor as yourself, what this means is that whatsoever you do not want to be done to you, you must not do it to another person.

So beyond the laws that say we must not kill, steal, bear false witness, lie etc, the New Testament scriptures help us to understand that backbiting, gossiping, uncontrolled anger, unguarded lips, hypocrisy Galatians 5 kjv) etc are also sins before God.

Going by the first set of sins mentioned in the old testament, one can easily say he is righteous having observed the ten commandments, but looking deeply into the laws of Christ (written in their hearts) as it is In the new testament, it becomes clear that all our righteousness is as filthy rags before God

40 MFM Prayers For Mercy And Forgiveness

  1. Oh Lord I thank you for your unfailing mercy and grace upon my life and family
  2. Thank you for not allowing the wicked to prevail over my life
  3. Thank you for rendering the thoughts of the wicked useless over my life and my family
  4. Thank you for not allowing me to see shame and disgrace
  5. Thank you Father for restoring hope to me through your mercy
  6. Thank you for your everlasting peace that surrounds me and my family, to you be all the glory in Jesus name
  7. Lord I ask for your mercy in all ways I have sinned against you in my words please show me your mercy
  8. In all ways I have hurt people through my words please help me to make amends and let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name
  9. In all ways I have hurt other people through my lifestyle, please help me to start living right by your mercy, please forgive me in Jesus name
  10. Father please forgive me for not doing the right things at the right times, please show me mercy and grace in Jesus name
  11. Lord please forgive me in all ways I have lied  and wrongly accused other people without doing enough findings, please show me your mercy in Jesus name 
  12. Please forgive me Lord in all ways I have misjudged and criticized other people, show me your mercy Lord, in Jesus name
  13. Oh Lord please help me to see others in the same way you see them, by your mercy in Jesus name
  14. Oh Lord please forgive me in all ways I have lied under pressure or under fear of the unknown, please show me mercy and help me to be bold as lion in Jesus name
  15. Father arise to cleanse me from every unrighteousness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  16. Let your light of love shine upon my heart in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  17. Father please help me to merciful unto others just as you are merciful to me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  18. Help me to truly love others as myself as it is your will, in Jesus name
  19. Help me to truly seek the good of others like Jesus Christ did.
  20. Help me to love and be at peace with others genuinely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  21. Father please forgive me in all ways I have been inconsistent with the assignment you gave me, let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name
  22. Lord please show me mercy and forgive me in all areas I have willfully disobeyed your instructions, help me to be obedient to your will henceforth, in Jesus name
  23. Father please cleanse me from all unrighteousness and let your peace fill my life in Jesus name
  24. In all ways I have not proved to be a good example of believers in my thoughts, actions and words, please show me your mercy and forgive me in Jesus name
  25. Lord please forgive me of all the sins of my childhood that I haven’t confessed to you, and the ones I have forgotten, let them not affect me negatively in future in the name of Jesus Christ
  26. In all ways I have not been a perfect parent to my children, Lord please show me mercy and lead me to perfection by your power, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  27. Lord please let my heart be receptive to your Word everyday of my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  28. Please help me Father to actually store up your Words in my heart so I don’t sin against you in Jesus name
  29. Please help me Lord to be filled with your compassion that I too may show mercy to others the way you have shown me mercy in Jesus name
  30. Lord please help me to be tolerant when dealing with other people in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  31. I receive grace to always correct in love and not in anger that I may fulfill the will of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  32. Help me to always have good works to do that the devil will not find my hands idle and useful in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  33. Let your mercy speak for our nation and please restore us in the places where we have lost treasure in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  34. Lord please forgive me in all ways I have disrespected the men of God you have placed over my life and please show me mercy, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  35. Father please show me mercy in all ways I have abandoned the gathering of the brethren in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  36. In all ways I have said horrible things in anger against other people, please forgive me and have mercy upon me in Jesus name
  37. Please take away the sins of my ancestors from my life, help me not to pay for their errors in Jesus name
  38. Father please forgive me of every sin that the enemy is holding unto, to accuse me day and night before God, let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name.
  39. Lord stop the mouth of all accusers speaking against my advancements in the mighty name of Jesus
  40. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.


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