40 Powerful Prayers For Marital Breakthrough.

40 Powerful Prayers For Marital Breakthrough.40 Powerful Prayers For Marital Breakthrough.

40 Powerful Prayers For Marital Breakthrough.

Are you single and seriously hoping to locate a life partner? Is your marital breakthrough taking long to manifest, or are you beginning to feel, your oil of patient is running dry?

The good news is;
God is always on time, your case will not be different, because God will appear for you and lead you to your marital breakthrough, so do not believe in what you see, believe in what your faith beliefs in His Word. Genesis 2:18

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Through Christ Jesus, God shall grant your needs for his glory. Genesis 1:31 in everything give thanks to God because all things made by him is good, including marriage. He is able to do exactly what he says he would do, and that is to fulfil every promise he made to you, supplying all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

God will blow your mind, because there is great hope for you. Genesis 18:14 Is there any prayer too hard for Jesus to answer? At the appointed time God will return to you with your marital glory, as long as God keeps you alive, you shall surely marry.

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He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: also hear your cry, and answer you.
But, you have to be abet more patient.
The Lord God has said, It is not good that you should be alone; you will meet your life partner as you ripe answers to the good works you have done. Galatians 6:9

Just like Sarah, the wife of Abraham in Genesis 21:6 Sarah expresses her joy.
If you lost hope in finding your partner, get yourself prepared to experience tears of joy and unending laughter, which will take effect now, because weeping may endure in the night, but your joy cometh in the morning. Sarah lost hope at some point, but through this prayer, you will express joy to the fullness.

At this point;You can’t give up on God, because God will never give up on you, also God is never tired of blessing anyone, you inclusive. Isaiah 40:28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his understanding.

Keep presenting your request before God. Sarah had reproduction challenge for 25 years, after God kept on promising them. How long have you been seeking God’s face for marital breakthrough? After all the period you have waited, mercy will find you. God Himself spoke into sarah’s case, she doubted when she laughed, but her doubtful laughter did not stop God from proving himself as God, mercy prevailed because it was appointed. Genesis 21:1-2.

Rachel father and sister delayed Rachel’s marriage for 14 years, God will not allow that in your case. The Holy Spirit is always available, he will cause a major breakthrough in your life, because God is not finished with the business of connecting people in marriage, doubt is the only reason why it has become difficult for singles to connect, but in the course of these 40 powerful prayer points exercise, you will find answers to your prayers.

Everyone has been left to find their own spouse, unlike the days of old, you must be sensitive and avoid doubt, doubt will kill your faith and leave you confused like the wind from an ocean. Through God’s divine intervention and direction you will find your right partner.

To be married for God’s purpose, here are clue to some character, you ought to look out for, in other to prevent regrets, after your union is sealed in holy matrimony.

It will interest you to read through, as you make reference to stories and surely you will not miss the right partner.

Ruth: Mother in-law arranged marriage. Pose as an act of a prostitutes to seek the attention from Boaz. Ruth 3:3-4, 9. Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor: but make not thyself known unto the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking. And it shall be, when he lieth down, that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, and lay thee down; and he will tell thee what thou shalt do. And he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman.

Adam and Eve, God’s own marriage. Genesis 3:1
Adam: Disobedient and foolishly in-love
Eve: Total disobedient to instruction

Isaac and Jacob: Family Genesis 24: 29:
2 brothers children (married by cousins)

Joseph: Righteous, Reference God, humble, Prime minister, Rich, Truthful.

Easter: Royalty marriage Prayerful woman, with Wisdom but from a poor background, Easter 2: 15-17

Lean and Rachel, Cousins marriage.
2 sisters married to the same man who happened to be their first cousin.
Genesis 29:1

Samson: Prostitutes patronage union
Flirty, lack of self control for women and sexual morality.

Solomon: Kingship, Wealth, Riches and a man with God’s wisdom Highly Polygamous

David: lustful, Army, lover of God, music instrumentalists, force man

Vashti: Pride and Unsuitability marriage.
Pride, arrogant. Easter 1:11-12

Potiphar’s wife: Adulterous woman

The woman by the well: Fornicator 5 marriages

Which of this characters is your choice, among many others in the scripture and in the real world of today.

Trust Jesus alone, he makes no mistake, You can only work towards been perfect. Jesus is a total perfection. He will answer you Genesis 24:14-15.

40 Powerful Prayers For Marital Breakthrough.

1. Thank you Jesus, for the blessing of life In Jesus name Amen

2. It is written, you will have mercy on whom, you will have mercy on, Lord have mercy on me in Jesus name Amen.

3. Thank Jesus for sound mind and patient in Jesus name Amen

4. My God what you had promised perform it in my marital expectation in Jesus name Amen

5. Heavenly divine intervention to every situation, answer for me in Jesus name Amen.

6. My hope in you Lord God is without ashame therefore, I come in connection with my spouse in Jesus name Amen

7. I subdue my body to the Righteous living in Jesus name Amen.

8. Oh lord God open the heavens and release your true life partner to me in Jesus name Amen.

9. Host of heaven who intervene in sarah’s case rain favor on me from heaven
in Jesus name Amen.

10. Oh God destroy all family barrier to my marital breakthrough in Jesus name Amen.

11. At the mention of the name of Jesus all kneel must bow, by your Jesus I call forth my spouse in Jesus name Amen.

12. Lord help me not to stagger or give up my marital hope, in Jesus name Amen

13. God disappoint family members who have vowed to see me single in Jesus name Amen.

14.Every long awaited desire receive breakthrough answer and became history in Jesus name Amen.

15. By the promise in the word of God I will testify to my marriage in Jesus name Amen

16. My life will give glory to God, spirit of unbelief be replaced with strong faith, in Jesus name Amen

17. Lord I don’t always make the best decisions, in my marital breakthrough
help me make the best and wise decisions in Jesus name Amen

18. Lord God straighten me and renew my strength to pray in Jesus name Amen

19. Oh God I receive the Spirit of encouragement to wait on Lord, in Jesus name Amen

20. I prophesy into my life, I will not go weary, I will not be weak, I will not faint, I will sing for joy in Jesus name Amen

21. I cancel marital deceit in my union, my long awaited marital request receive songs of miracle in Jesus name Amen

22. Because it is written, bed undefiled I over come every temptation from the pit of HELL in Jesus name Amen.

23.Powers holding back my marital breakthrough, release my spouse by fire, in Jesus name

24. Foundational altars fighting against my marital breakthrough receive the blood of Jesus catch fire and be destroyed in Jesus name

25. Before I am done speaking LORD answer me, like you answered the servant of Abraham who got Isaac a spouse.

26. Oh God grant me marital favour with someone that love and fears You God in Jesus name Amen.

27. Father let my heart be fulfilled with your blessings, maritally. In Jesus name Amen.

28. Lord Jesus I reject a man without focus in Jesus name Amen.

29. Lord make my marital breakthrough beautiful solved in Jesus name Amen.

30. Lord Jesus through you who is God, I connect with my life partner in Jesus name Amen.

31. God my father send you blessings from heaven in Jesus name Amen.

32. Lord God by your covenant of marital promise, open the eyes of someone special to locate me in Jesus name Amen

33. Abba father since i believe through faith, let my story will end in testimony in Jesus name Amen.

34. God of miracle this is the moment for my answered prayer appear for me in Jesus name Amen.

35. Lord Jesus at your time you make all beautiful, endow me with glory, suitable for marital breakthrough in Jesus name Amen

36. God the Father of all creation, I belief and trust you to deliver my marital breakthrough to me in Jesus name Amen.

37. Lord numbered with those seriously connecting with their life partners in Jesus name Amen.

38. Every strong hold delay against my marital breakthrough, loose your hold in Jesus name Amen.

39. God by yourself arrange a meeting place on my behalf in Jesus name Amen.

40. Every principality and power from the grave speaking against my marital breakthrough, receive the blood of Jesus and be silent forever in Jesus name Amen

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