40 Prayer Points Against The Altar Of Hardship

40 Prayer Points Against The Altar Of Hardship

40 Prayer Points Against The Altar Of Hardship

“But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their grooves.” Exodus 34:13

“But he answered and said, Every plant(altar) which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up” Matthew 15:13.

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The subject of altars and their works in the life and destiny of a man can never be exhausted. It is one of the major things that forms and shapes the life and future of a man. Today, I will examine the impact of altars of hardship in the life of a man and how to pray and walk out and against it. In a traditional African setting, An Altar is a place specially built for offering sacrifices. It is usually contained within a bigger place often called a shrine. The shrine is said to be where a deity lives with the priest of the shrine, while the altar is where sacrifices and oblations are made. It is the table where incantations are poured out in favour or against an individual. Aside from the physical altar at these shrines, there is also the spiritual altar where every libation and incantations made in the physical are stamped, approved and put into action. The spiritual altar is the most important of the two.

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Altars are speaking platforms that have a very serious effect in the life of an individual. Altar of hardship can be raised against an individual by any wicked person. Hardship connotes difficulty, trouble and hard times. It connotes when things stop working and begin to go down. When an altar of hardship is raised against any one, it brings untold Hard times on the person and even sucks away whatever he has gathered in the past. Altars of hardship rob a man of what he has gathered in the past, the present and deny him his glorious destiny. Altars can cage the destiny of a man for years without him knowing. A man will be subjected to shame and ridicule when an altar of hardship is speaking against him. His future looks bleak and there is no hope for today, talk of tomorrow. It is an end time agenda the devil handed down to his wicked agents on the earth. They are using it to cage the glorious destiny of the Children of God and making life so unbearable for them. Altar of hardship brings struggle on every side, both in your finances, marriage, health etc. The devil is doing this because he comes to steal, kill and destroy. The devil is the great accuser of the brethren and he is doing everything possible to accomplish this end time mission of his. The devil wants to erase the destiny of men on the surface of the earth and this altar of hardship is one of such ways to accomplish his mission.

God our Father created the earth and gave it to us for our satisfaction. God wants nothing less for us than for us to enjoy life and fulfil destiny. God made provisions for us to live a life of glory and ease. That is what God has prepared for us. As a child of God, you are not permitted to be buffeted by the devil and his agents. You have the mark of Christ and of exemption on your forehead. Christ gave himself as ransom for you and I, not just for redemption alone. But so that no altar of any kind, including that of hardship will ever speak in our lives again. God has made the greatest sacrifice on His high altar using Jesus Christ as the sacrificial lamb. There is no other altar that can speak other than that of Christ. Therefore, do not let ignorance of the messianic work of Christ make the devil hold you down. We are the creatures of God, created in His image and likeness and can’t be buffeted by the devil and his agents.

Are you a victim of the altar of hardship?. Are you caged by the devil and his agents through the altar of hardship, and nothing is moving forward for you?. I have good news for you today. God will liberate you from every altar of hardship that you are in its captivity now. God will free you and give you multiple fold of blessing and restoration. Whatever my God has not planted in your life that is speaking through the altar of hardship will be uprooted right now. God is empowering you now to root it out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down every altar of hardship speaking against you and your destiny. He is also empowering you to plant and build up your life once again. 

For you to deliver yourself from the hold of the altar of hardship, you must also be willing to take responsibility and fulfil your own part and God will be committed to delivering you. Kindly do the following to see the altar of hardship rooted out in your life.

First; Be born again. Redemption is what makes you a child of God and commits God to deliver you from every trouble. The blood of Jesus which was sacrificed on the cross is what speaks for you when an altar is raised against you. Until you accept him as your Lord and Saviour, the blood can’t speak for you. Being redeemed is what guarantees your safety from the horrors of life.

Secondly; Raise an altar unto the LORD. Exodus 20:24. When you raise an altar unto God, it erases the negative altar raised against you by the enemy. By raising this altar and obeying the dictates of such altars, it releases the blessings of God upon your life and cancels the altar of hardship and its consequences.

Thirdly; Commit to serving God and the interest of His kingdom; when you commit to serve God and the interest of his kingdom, God also commits to seeing you free and safe on all sides, so you can serve him better. God will deliver you from every altar of hardship if you commit yourself to his course on the earth.

Fourth; Be a man of fervent prayer;  prayer is one other key that breaks the hand of the devil on our lives. If you are a man of prayer and fasting with faith and spiritual understanding, the devil and his agents will always be scared of you. You can break the effect of the altar of hardship on your life and set that altar and shrine on fire through prayer and fasting that is coupled with great faith.

Below are prayer points that will help you to break and loose yourself from the stronghold of altars of hardship in your life and destiny.

40 Prayer Points Against The Altar Of Hardship

  1. Father, I thank you for your love and compassion over my life and for all that you have done in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father, thank you for your ever abounding grace and favour upon my life all these years, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father, I thank you for your protection and guidance over my life and destiny and for making my destiny to shine despite all the evil marauders, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Father, thank you for keeping me safe from all evil marauders looking for whom to devour, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Father, I plead for mercy and grace and ask you to forgive me all my sins, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Father, by the blood of Jesus, purge me of all my iniquities and wash me clean to come before you, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Father, I come to you today against every evil altar of hardship against my life and destiny and I pray that you will take control and hear me, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Father, let every altar of hardship raised for me in the coven of witchcraft be destroyed right now, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Father, let every altar of hardship speaking in my life be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Father, let every altar of hardship at work in my life and destiny be nailed to the cross of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Father, by authority in the word, I command every evil altar speaking hardship into my life and destiny be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Father, let the fire from heaven burn down every altar where my name is mentioned for hardship, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Father, let fire and brimstone be the portion of every agent of darkness that has raised an evil altar against me, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Father, let a horrible tempest be the portion of all those speaking hardship into my glorious destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Father, scatter the works of every evil altar in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  16. Father, by the holy ghost, opened my eyes to see the source of every hardship in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Father, by your grace, show me the source of ally battles, in the name of Jesus.
  18. Father, let every secret altar fighting my glory and the way out be revealed to me, in the name of Jesus.
  19. Father, let every battle of my life emanating from the altar of hardship in my life be exposed and destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Father, I come against every altar of hardship at work in my life and destiny by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  21. Father, let every hereditary altar of hardship in my family be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  22. Father, let every curse in my family operating through the altar of hardship be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  23. Father, let every altar of hardship raised unknowingly in my family and now speaking in my life be burnt down, in the name of Jesus.
  24. Father, let the blood of Jesus neutralise the potency of any altar of hardship speaking in my life and family, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Father, let every altar of hardship raised by my forefathers be torn down by the holy ghost fire, in the name of Jesus.
  26. Father, let every ancestral altar of hardship in my lineage be destroyed right now, in the name of Jesus.
  27. Father, let every ancestral altar speaking hardship into my breakthrough take its hands off me, in the name of Jesus.
  28. Father, by authority, I nullify every medium of exchange that brought about the evil altar of hardship in my family line, in the name of Jesus.
  29. Father, I cancel every consequence of the evil altar of hardship in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  30. Father, I stand and nullify every exchange for life with the altar of hardship by my ancestors, in the name of Jesus.
  31. Father, by the redemptive power, I dissociate myself from every stronghold of the altar of hardship, in the name of Jesus.
  32. Father, by the redemptive power, I disentangle myself from the grip of every altar of hardship working evil in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  33. Father, I break every chain of the altar of hardship around my neck right now, in the name of Jesus.
  34. Father, I scatter the shackles of hardship brought about by evil altars in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  35. Father, by the blood, I release my career, business and life from every altar of hardship where it has been kept, in the name of Jesus.
  36. Father, I stand on your word today and I release my entire family from the grip of the altar of hardship, in the name of Jesus.
  37. Father, I stand in the gap for all those being held captive by the altar of hardship and I decree their release right now, in the name of Jesus.
  38. Father, let every soul entangled in the web of altar of hardship be freed by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. 
  39. Father, I decree and declare that by your redemptive power over my life, I am totally free for the grip of the altar of hardship today and forever, in the name of Jesus.
  40. Father, I thank you for answered prayers, in the name of Jesus.


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