40 Prayer Points For Divine Solution
“Fear thou not, for I am with thee, do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my right hand of righteousness.” Isaiah 41:10.
“There shall not any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee, I will not fail you or forsake you.” Joshua 1:5.
Divine solution is bringing the mighty hand of God to bear in a particular situation when all known human and science solutions have failed to provide the needed result.
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Subscribe NowWhen one is in a very tight corner or situation both physically and spiritually and all effort to get it solved proves futile, all hope is lost and there seems to be nowhere to turn to, then suddenly God shows up and makes a way for you where there was no way. That is the God of divine solution at work.
God has promised His children that He won’t leave or forsake them and also to uphold them with His right hand of righteousness. This means that God is willing to show up for any of His children who is in dire need of His divine solution in any area of their lives. All we need to do is to call upon Him in prayer with a cry of faith and He will show up on our behalf.
When the devil thought he had won the heavens by getting Jesus crucified on the cross of shame. Little did he know that, it was part of the grand plan for God to show up mightily for His children. While he was still rejoicing, the God of divine solution showed up in the hades and took the keys of death and hell from him. Rev 1:18. That hand of divine solution also raised Jesus from the dead and all the holy men is Jerusalem who were in the grave all rose up to life again. Matt 27:52-53. The angels even had to ask the women why seek you the living among the dead, Luke 24:5. All this by the divine hand of solution of God Almighty.
What is that dead situation that is finding expression in your life and destiny, I decree that the God of divine solution will show up for you right now, in Jesus name, Amen.
We saw the God of divine solution show up for the children of Israel after four hundred and thirty years of bondage, slavery and servitude in the land of Egypt. They were battered, manhandled and oppressed by their taskmasters, they thought the end has come and no one to deliver them. They cried unto God and their cry got the God of divine solution and He showed up on their behalf. Ex 3:7-9. And on that selfsame day they were delivered from the hands of their slave masters and gained their freedom. Ex 12:51.
I don’t know that person that held you captive and that issue of slavery and servitude on your life, I decree now that the God of divine solution shows up for you and deliver you right now, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
The God of divine solution also showed up for the children of Israel at the red sea. It was a dead end for them on their way to the promise land, pharaoh and his army were chasing them from behind. All hope of freedom was chartered and they began to murmur but at a point they cried unto God and He show up with His divine solution plan and the end sea gave way for the children of Israel to pass and closed up again to destroy their enemies. Ex 14:10-20.
I decree today that every red sea situation in your life receives the divine solution of God in the name of Jesus.
God is still in the business of bringing divine solution to those who call on Him when the enemy thinks he has the advantage over you.
I have outlined by the leafing of the holy spirit the following prayer points to help you call on God for divine solution when in need of it and I know that as you call believing, He will show up on your behalf.
Prayer Points For Divine Solution
- Father, by thy mighty hand, bring an end to all issues confronting any area of my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I ask for your divine solution to all areas of my life an destiny that have defiled solutions, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every issues of barrenness that have defiled all known medical solution, I speak divine solution into it, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, make a way for me in all places where there is no way, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your word, let every word spoken against my life by the enemy is cancelled, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your fiery fire, let every witchcraft seed down against my life come out by fire, in the name of Jesus. Heb 12:29.
- Father, by your counsel of solution, let divine solution bring to an end every devices of man against my life, in the name of Jesus. Prov 19:21.
- Father, by your death on the cross, let there be divine solution to every seed of shame and reproach in my life, in the name of Jesus. Rom 5:8.
- Father, by your favour, I receive divine favour both in your side and in the site of men to all unfavourable conditions in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your life in me, let your divine solution speak to every issue of concern in my ancestral foundation.
- Father, by divine help, I shall not want any good thing because you are my Shepherd, in the name of Jesus. Ps 23:1.
- Father, by divine solution, every unclear path of my life and destiny receives direction because you lead me beside still water, in the name of Jesus. Ps 23:3.
- Father, by heavens divine hand, I am covered by the blood of Jesus from all evils of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, let all the departed glory of my life and destiny be restored, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, let all my captured blessings be released from the coven of witches, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, let all my positive dreams manifest both physically and spiritually, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every anti progress forces standing against my progress in life and destiny fall down and die by divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, every cloud of failure over my life and destiny fades away, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, every wrong steps that I have taken in life is now corrected, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, every of my delayed miracles and achievements begin to manifest right now, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, I walk into my season of breakthrough and advancement, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, every door of good opportunities are opened unto me by divine solution, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, every problem I have caused for myself through my mouth is reversed by you divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I am delivered from every evil burden on my head and shoulder by your divine solution, in Jesus name.
- Father, by divine strength and solution, I fight back every enemy of my life and destiny and I obtain victory over them, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, raise me up the next level of achievement for my life and destiny by your divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution every sweat and struggle in my life and destiny is terminated, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every of my heavenly benefits in chains is hereby loosed from the grip of the evil ones by your divine hand of solution, in Jesus name.
- Father, by divine solution, let the air of comfort blow into my life and give me peace, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every satanic agent attacking my life and destiny, let thy hand of divine solution bring them down, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every verdict of accident and sudden death over my life and destiny in declared null and void by your mighty hand of divine solution, in Jesus name.
- Father, every evil hand holding my goodly possession is broken into pieces by the God of divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every power of hell working against my finishing well in life be scattered by the word of divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every stone of hindrance and barrier against my life and destiny is rolled away by your mighty hand of divine solution, in Jesus name.
- Father, every infirmity from the pit of hell sent to destroy me and my destiny, by the hand of divine solution I am delivered and rescued, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, every force of wickedness in high places sent to set a trap for me in my path to greatness is destroyed by fire by divine solution, in Jesus name.
- Father, every blood sucking demon sent to suck my life out is sent back to sender by the God of divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine intervention, arise and scatter all the adversaries of my life and destiny sent to destroy me, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every demons from any coven sent to manipulate me into doing things that are against your will, they are destroyed by the hand of divine solution, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by divine solution, I revoke and nullify every judgement passed upon me in the dark world, in the name of Jesus.