40 Prayer Points For Forgiving Others

40 Prayer Points For Forgiving Others

40 Prayer Points For Forgiving Others


Colossians 3:13 “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do all of you.” (NKJV)

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Ephesians 4:32 “And be all of you kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us.

Mark 11:25 “And when all of you stand praying, forgive, if all of you have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

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The one main constant thing about the human condition is that we make mistakes. We often say insensitive things, overreact in anger and act in a way contrary to our value system. Sometimes, we found ourselves in the receiving end of another person’s wrongdoings.

Forgiveness is a balm to bring healing to these broken situations. The bible way of forgiveness is beautiful. A trusting faith in the sacrifice of Jesus with the surrendering to God, His will and removes the guilt from our heart. If our sins were completely removed by the blood of Jesus Christ, take away our offenses or hurt, wiping the state clean and remembered them no more, we too can forgive our fellow man, their sins. This makes us to experience the freedom in our heart and life. When we don’t forgive others, it brings about bondage to our souls. It brings bitterness within us and also locks out joy, love and fellowship. Forgiveness brings peace and comfort to mind.

Ephesians 4:32; talks about being kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave us. This shows that as Christians and believer, once we are in Christ Jesus, we needed to follow God’s principle and biblical knowledge in order to enjoy his divine fellowship. If we don’t obey his commandment as he said in His word, then we are not true followers of Jesus Christ who despite being falsely accused still forgave all his accusers.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says we are now new creature in Christ so all old habits like lying, pride, swift to anger, unforgiving spirit must not be seen in us as believers and we should endeavor to make way to the fruits of the spirit to grow and drew richly so we can have a balanced Christian life.

Though it might not be easy to forgive others of some things done against one but with the help of the Holy Spirit and prayers, God can give us the grace and humble our spirit to be forgiving in all things done against one.

More prayer points to help in forgiving others are listed below.

  1. Oh Lord, I asked for forgiveness of sins, father cleanse me from them all in Jesus’ name.
  2. I removed all hinderances to my prayers before you this day in Jesus’ name.
  3. Blood of Jesus, wash all bitterness, anger, resentment and all bad things from my heart, mind and spirit in Jesus’ name.
  4. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with the fruits of the spirit, make them dwell richly in me in Jesus’ name.
  5. Oh Lord, give me the grace to free and release anyone who has offended me from my heart and mind in Jesus’ name.
  6. Dear Lord, I thank you for the power of forgiveness and today, I choose to forgive everyone that has hurt me in Jesus’ name.
  7. Oh Lord, give me grace to walk in your peace, joy and righteousness in Jesus’ name.
  8. My Father, My Lord, give me a heart of flesh and humble my mind to let go and let you in Jesus’ name.
  9. Oh Lord, I chose to be kind and forgiving, father give me grace according to your word in Ephesians 4:32 in Jesus’ name.
  10. Oh Lord, give me the grace to bless those who have hurt me in the past in Jesus’ name.
  11. Oh Lord, help me to show unconditional love today even to those who hurt me in Jesus’ name.
  12. Oh Lord, help me to direct my thoughts and let your sweet words fill my mind in Jesus’ name.
  13. My Father, let me find compassion that comes with true forgiveness in Jesus’ name.
  14. Holy Spirt, give me the grace to manifest the fruits of the spirits at all times in Jesus’ name.
  15. Oh Lord, as often as I see my offender, all evil thoughts toward the person be held captive in Jesus’ name.
  16. Oh Lord, unforgiveness will not be an hinderance to my prayers, break and remold me Lord, in Jesus’ name.
  17. Oh Lord, My God, let your peace that comes from Jesus Christ rule in my heart, keeping out doubt and questions in Jesus’ name.
  18. Oh Lord, lead me to live a life of love and forgiveness, let me see others through your eyes in Jesus’ name.
  19. Oh Lord, give me the grace to give up the right to get even in Jesus’ name.
  20. Oh Lord, I crushed every spirit of revenge, be wasted in Jesus’ name.
  21. Oh Lord, give me the strength and power to let go every wrong done against me in Jesus’ name.
  22. Holy Spirit, give me the grace not to overcome evil with evil but leave all justice to you alone in Jesus’ name.
  23. Oh Lord, free me from every toxic emotion that keep me in painful grip of all past wrongs done against me in Jesus’ name.
  24. Oh Lord, give me the grace to be the best ambassador of you here on earth in Jesus’ name.
  25. Oh Lord, help me to live in perfect unity with everyone around me in Jesus’ name.
  26. Oh Lord, let all offenders come to the saving grace and father, save them from perishing in hell due to their misgivings in Jesus’ name.
  27. Oh Lord, I release all my offenders into your mercy, men my broken heart in Jesus’ name.
  28. Oh Lord, I forgive everyone that has offended me intentionally or unintentionally in Jesus’ name.
  29. Oh LORD, grant me the grace to trust your way alone in forgiving people in Jesus’ name.
  30. Oh Lord, help me to show the true meaning of forgiveness to others so they can see you living in me in Jesus’ name.
  31. Sweet Lord, let my heart of forgiveness draw people to your kingdom in Jesus’ name.
  32. Oh Lord, forgive me for harboring anger, give me supernatural ability to forgive those who have hurt me in Jesus’ name.
  33. Oh Lord, remove today every heavy heart and weight of unforgiveness hanging on me in Jesus’ name.
  34. Oh Lord, I remove every spirit of stubbornness from all offenders in Jesus’ name.
  35. My Father. My maker, every spirit that makes people to act in the way contrary to how you made them, be crashed by fire in Jesus’ name.
  36. Oh Lord, all evil spirit dwelling in the heart of evil doers causing them to misbehave toward me and others, holy ghost fire, consume and destroy in Jesus’ name.
  37. Holy Spirit, as from today, direct all constant offenders that to exhibit good deal in have deposit inside them in Jesus’ name.
  38. I decree and declare that all evil thought and action be destroyed, cleanse and removed from all constant offenders in Jesus’ name.
  39. Holy Spirit, give all offenders or evil doers the heart of flesh to that living your plan and purpose for their lives in Jesus’ name.
  40. My Father, My Lord, thank you for answered prayers. I shall be an example of Believers in word, conversation, charity, spirit, faith and purity in Jesus’ name. 1 Timothy 4:12.

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