40 Prayers Against Serpentine Spirit

40 Prayers Against Serpentine Spirit

40 Prayers Against Serpentine Spirit

Job 22:28

You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways

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Has it occurred or been revealed to you that you are afflicted by serpentine spirits? These 40 special prayers against the serpentine spirit are made for you.

For clarity purposes, serpentine spirit simply means spirit of the serpent, literary snake spirit, but for a deeper meaning serpentine spirit represents the spirit of deception and seduction.

To further help in clarifying this, remember the bible story of Adam and Eve in the bible, where the serpent deceived Eve and lured her into disobeying God (Genesis 3). Even though it didn’t force her to disobey God, it achieved that through crafty means.

So you see, Serpentine spirits are seductive spirits who camouflage to have the real truth, but are actually sent to make us lose our place (as regards authority, inheritance, power, love, peace, faith and grace Colossians 1:13 ) in Christ.

So what is the aim or goal of the serpentine spirit?  (John 10:10) As he did to Eve, the goal of serpentine spirit is to separate us from the love and fellowship we are meant to enjoy in God, Romans 8:35-39) it is meant to deprive us of our inheritance in God Ephesians 1:11 and to render us wanderers in destiny. May this never be your portion in Jesus name

In any area of your life where the devil has been deceiving you in order to deprive you of the plans that God has for you, as you pray these 40 prayers against serpentine spirit, may he be exposed and may you be rescued from every satanic manipulation in Jesus name

40 Prayers Against Serpentine Spirit

  1. Oh Lord I thank you for your mercy over my life

Blessed be your name in Jesus name

  1. Father I thank you for your grace and your love over my family to you be all the glory in Jesus name
  2. Lord I thank you for helping me to find this article, thank you for the Deliverance that you have to tell me to do in my life through this article in Jesus name
  3. Father I thank you for rescuing my life from the traps of the evil ones thank you Lord Jesus in Jesus name
  4. Lord I appreciate you for your plans for me it’s not for me to end up in the then of the serpentine spirits but will be free and to have great joy and you all glory to you in Jesus name
  5. Oh Lord I thank you for your own feeling Grace and mercy upon me and my family thank you for keeping us alive to you be all the glory and honour in Jesus mighty name
  6. Father I thank you for your divine unwavering protection over me and my family thank you for not allowing the devil to have the last say over my life blessed be your name in Jesus name 
  7. Lord I Thank You for you have not allowed the plans of supreme transfer to prevail over my life and my family please send me your mighty name
  8. Oh Lord I ask for your mercy in always have sinned and fallen short of the glory please forgive me in Jesus name
  9. Father I ask that you show me your mercy in every way I have disobeyed your will, please forgive me Lord in Jesus name

Father in all ways I have allowed my flesh to lead me, please show me your mercy and forgive me in Jesus name

  1. Everlasting king, please deliver me from the hands of serpentine spirits in Jesus name
  2. Oh Lord rescue my soul from the trap of the evil ones in Jesus name
  3. Every lie of the devil I have believed and obeyed, Lord please have mercy and restore me in Jesus name
  4. In all ways I have danced to the tune of the enemy, Lord please show your mercy in Jesus name
  5. Father I surrender my heart to you, please purge me of every seed of serpentine spirit in fire of thoughts and imaginations in Jesus name
  6. Father please pull me out of every satanic pit I have entered into unknowingly in Jesus name
  7. Every alliance I have carelessly made with the powers of darkness, Father deliver me from it now in Jesus name
  8. Oh Lord your Word says: Whosoever you set free is free indeed, Father set me free indeed from the powers of darkness in Jesus name
  9. Oh Lord please deliver from satanic ancestral serpent spirit in Jesus name
  10. Every evil circle of the operations of serpentine spirit  in my family, I command it to end over my life now in Jesus name
  11. I command total freedom from serpentine spirit for me and my family in Jesus name
  12. No matter what the enemy does, I decree that I shall no longer follow the dictates of the enemy in Jesus name
  13. The devil shall not use me to cause havoc to other people’s lives in Jesus name
  14. Every resemblance of the devil in my character and lifestyle, I separate from it now by fire in Jesus name
  15. I shall resemble Christ Jesus in my thoughts, actions and words in Jesus name
  16. I refuse to be a puppet for the devil in the mighty name of Jesus
  17. Everything the devil has stolen from me in time past, I commend him to return them by fire in Jesus mighty name
  18. Every relationship I have lost die to my relationship with serpentine spirits, I call them forth back in to my life in Jesus name
  19. Every satanic soul tie I have with anyone operating with serpentine spirit, I command the soul tie to burn to ashes in Jesus name
  20. Every idea of the devil I have accepted and that I am working on, I reject it and I desist from working on it, in Jesus mighty name
  21. Pride shall not take over my life, I refuse to want to be like God in an ungodly way, I shall not desire to share His glory and supremacy in my life in Jesus name
  22. I refuse to be further deceived by the devil in every area of my life, I am free in Jesus mighty name
  23. I shall begin to believe in God and trust His Word and decisions over my life in Jesus name
  1. I reverse every evil pronouncement made against my finances in Jesus mighty name
  2. I cancel every date of destruction that the enemy has written against us in Jesus name
  3. I refuse to follow the thoughts of the wicked for my life, only the will of Christ shall prevail in my life in Jesus name
  4. I receive grace to study the Word of God daily and to be filled with His wisdom so I can stand against the plans of the wicked In Jesus name
  5. I overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus Christ and by my testimony that Jesus is Lord in the mighty name of Jesus, the devil no longer has a grip on me
  6. I command the devil to let go of my marriage and health in Jesus name
  7. I command the devil to let go of my finances and plans in Jesus name
  8. I walk out of every shame, disgrace, failure and poverty that the enemy has projected Im to my life in Jesus name
  9. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers

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