40 Prayers Against The Spirit Of Struggle

40 Prayers Against The Spirit Of Struggle

40 Prayers Against The Spirit Of Struggle

Psalms 40 verse 17 says,

“But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God.”

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If you are looking for prayers against the spirit of struggle in your life, you are onto the right page. Below, as you read on, you will discover up to 40 strong and effective prayer points against the spirit of struggle in your life. 

The spirit of struggle is a very dangerous thing that must be dealt with. Prayer is very effective for casting and binding evil spirits. Without prayer, there is no way to call God to action on pressing issues in our lives. So, if you are sensing that the spirit of struggle is dominating your life, start to pray fervently and cast and bind. 

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Whether you are struggling financially, health wise, marriage wise or in any other area of your life, God is here to help you. Jesus said in the book of Matthew that we should ask and we shall be given. Relying on God’s word, and trusting in Him to help during times of struggle is very important for a Christian to survive life’s hardships. 

God is not one to leave us to struggle and suffer alone. He loves us and has the power as the creator of the universe to overpower the devil and stop the evil spirits from wreaking havoc in our lives. I pray today that every spirit of struggle in your life will die by fire in Jesus name. 


40 Prayers Against The Spirit Of Struggle

  1. O Lord my Father, in anyway that I might be struggling in one area of my life or the other, put an end to my struggling in Jesus name
  2. I rebuke every evil spirit that wants me to keep struggling financially in Jesus name 
  3. My days of struggle are over. My days of pure flourish are here in Jesus name. 
  4. Every spirit of struggle that has mysteriously entered my life and wants to keep me at a struggle phase in my life, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name. 
  5. The devil shall not keep me at a struggling place financially in Jesus name
  6. I shall have more than enough financially in Jesus name. Struggling for years is not my portion in Jesus name. 
  7. I refuse to struggle in life anymore, from this day forward, I shall continue to rise and flourish at life in Jesus name
  8. O Lord my Father, every plan of the evil ones to keep me struggling in every area of life, I rebuke it in Jesus name. 
  9. The devil shall not have power over my finances again in Jesus name. My finances will leave the struggle phase and enter the excelling phase in Jesus name
  10. Every evil spirit of struggle that is threatening to stagnate me in life, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name. 
  11. Dear God, I ask for the spirit of prosperity to take charge in my life. I bind and cast every spirit of struggle in Jesus name.
  12. Struggling is not my portion in this life in Jesus name. 
  13. By the grace of God, I shall continue to grow in leaps and bounds, prosper and flourish in the name of Jesus. 
  14. My health shall begin to get better from this day forward. I shall not struggle health wise again in Jesus name.
  15. I commit my academics into your hands, O Lord. I reject every spirit of stagnation or struggle in my academics in Jesus name. 
  16. King of Kings, look upon me with mercy and heal every area of my life within which I am struggling in Jesus name. 
  17. I call on you Lord, let every struggling aspect of my life begin to receive healing today in Jesus name. 
  18. If it is my spiritual life that has been struggling, Lord, please lay your hands of prosperity and healing over it in Jesus name 
  19. My financial life shall not remain at a struggling phase anymore in Jesus name 
  20. My career shall not struggle anymore in Jesus name. 
  21. My children shall not struggle at life anymore in Jesus name
  22. My spouse shall not struggle at life or coping with everyday things again in Jesus name
  23. Dear God, please let our family rise above every evil spirit of struggle and stagnancy in the name of Jesus. 
  24. O Lord, let struggling for what to eat or drink be a thing of the past in my life in Jesus name. 
  25. O Lord, please bless the work of my hands so that I and my family can have more than enough to stop struggling through life in Jesus name. 
  26. Every evil plan that the devil is concocting to destabilize our family finances, let them be destroyed in Jesus name. 
  27. I and my family will not struggle for what to eat or drink to survive, instead we will live a life of abundance in Jesus name 
  28. O Lord, my suffering and struggle is enough. I ask for your divine intervention into my life. Help me into wealth and happiness, in Jesus name I ask. 
  29. Lord in heaven, lift me out of struggle just like you lifted the Israelites out of their struggle in Egypt in Jesus name. 
  30. I plead the blood of Jesus over me and my family so that the evil spirit of struggle will not have power over us in Jesus name
  31. O Lord! I ask for your divine intervention in my life. I don’t want to struggle to survive again. Please come and intervene today in Jesus name. 
  32. Evil spirit of struggle! Depart from my life this minute in the mighty name of Jesus!
  33. Lord Jesus, my spiritual life has been struggling. I want divine intervention in my spiritual life. Let your glory shine in my life in Jesus name 
  34. Lord, I commit my children’s education into your hands. In any way that their education has been struggling, please intervene in Jesus name.
  35. O Lord in heaven, don’t let my enemies laugh at me. Stop all my struggles and guide me into victory in Jesus name. 
  36. My Father and my God, please send your rain of blessing into my life so that I stop struggling from this moment in Jesus name. 
  37. Every spirit of poverty that is determined to keep me struggling through life, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
  38. Every evil spirit of sickness and diseases that is determined to keep me struggling health wise, die by fire in the name of Jesus
  39. Every seed of conflict that the devil has sown into my marriage to make it struggle or crumble, be destroyed in Jesus name!
  40. Every evil spirit of struggle in my personal life, marriage or finances, be destroyed to ashes in the mighty name of Jesus!


The 40 prayers we have listed above are very powerful prayers that you should shout to God to prevent the evil spirit of struggle from taking over. 

Our Lord is a merciful God and his ears are always alert to listen to our problems. May your prayers be answered as you ask in the name of Jesus. 


If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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