40 Prayers for Divine Guidance And Direction

40 Prayers for Divine Guidance And Direction


Proverbs 16:9 

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

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Psalm 32:8-9 

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.

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There is nothing as sweet as enjoying guidance and direction from God Himself, the maker of heaven and earth who created everyone and knows everyone and everywhere. Guidance and direction from God take away confusion, fear, loss, embarrassment, etc. I don’t know of any life that has zero stress like a life that’s guided and directed by God. 

When God guides and directs you, you will not:

  1. Do the wrong job;
  2. Marry the wrong person;
  3. Travel to the wrong country, or relocate to the wrong state; 
  4. Invest you money in the wrong business;
  5. Move with destiny destroyers and glory sinkers;
  6. Walk into danger or evil; 
  7. Rent the wrong house; or
  8. Go to the wrong place at the wrong time or go to the right place at the wrong time; 

Simply put, as long as you listen to God, remain calm and patient, and never try to be stubborn, when God is guiding and giving you directions, you can never make a mistake, be a failure, suffer, die an avoidable death, or end in destruction. 

In different Bible verses, God promised over and over again that He will guide and direct us. He even begged us not to think we are wise enough to direct and lead ourselves. Our understanding of the world and what we know about is little or zero. Why do we think we can lead, guide and direct ourselves perfectly. 

According to how God planned it, we Christians are never supposed to unnecessarily suffer some of things that non-Christians suffer. But there are many reasons why we suffer unnecessarily as Christians. 

4 Main Reasons why Christians Suffer Unnecessarily

  1. They think they are experienced and well-educates enough to direct and guide themselves. So, they leave God out of the process of making decisions, thinking to themselves that it’s unnecessary to consult God since they are educated, experienced or since they can go for professional advice from fellow humans. 
  2. Christians Suffer unnecessarily because of stubbornness. Many Christians who have gotten direction and guidance from God will still intentionally refuse to accept the guidance/direction because it doesn’t fit their own plan or because it will restrain their sinful pleasures and works of the flesh. For example, even if God directs or guides some Christians who love to go to club or the beach, not to go, they will still go. They don’t care what will happen. They just can’t miss that moment of enjoyment for anything. Many people have died untimely death and fallen into serious traps they no longer can get out of because they refused to listen to God when He was guiding them. 
  3. Christians also suffer unnecessarily because they don’t know how to hear from God or because they have never even asked Him for guidance and direction. 
  4. They believe the world, its philosophy, culture, teachings and ideas, more than they believe the Word of God and God Himself. 

How To Get Divine Guidance and Direction

  1. Learn how to hear from   God. Search the scriptures seriously and listen to and analyze hundreds of genuine Holy Ghost-inspired sermons. 
  2. Pray. This one needs no explanation
  3. Let your walk with God be pure and consistent. 


Some Of The Ways In Which Divine Guidance And Direction Works

Someone might ask: how does divine guidance works? How do I know I am being guided God and not by an unclean power? Here are the answers. 

  1. God can guide and direct you through clear instructions from dreams and visions. 
  2. God can guide and direct you when you are reading the Bible. 
  3. Divine direction and guidance can also come from men of God and prophets. God will specially send them to you. 
  4. God can also send angels to you who will appear as normal humans
  5. You can also hear a clear, loud voice in your spirit. The communication of the voice will usually be followed by scriptural proof or a confirmation from the Holy Ghost, so you can be sure it was God who was talking to you.

God is an unlimited God. His ways are diverse. The   5-item list above is just some of the uncountable number of ways He guides and directs His beloved children. People receive divine guidance and direction through several other methods not listed above. I think the most important thing is to have a cordial relationship with God and remain effectively alert in the spirit so you can know when God is guiding and directing you. 

40 Prayers for Divine Guidance and Direction

  1. In the name of Jesus, I will not be stubborn and disobedient to God. 
  2. My spiritual mind, I command you to become alert in the name of Jesus. 
  3. In the name of Jesus, I receive the grace to hear from God and know when He is talking to me. 
  4. As the Lord liveth, I shall not destroy my life through stubbornness and disobedience to God’s directives. 
  5. Lord, quicken my mind to understand your ways and leadings. 
  6. In the name of Jesus, I destroy the work of every power blinding me from seeing God’s direction and guidance. 
  7. In the name of Jesus, as from today on, I activate the ministry of angels of divine guidance and direction. 
  8. In the name of Jesus, as from today on, I open my spiritual eyes and ears so I can begin to hear and see what God wants me to see and hear. 
  9. In the name of Jesus, I disassociate myself from everything that is blocking me from enjoying divine guidance and direction from my heavenly father.
  10. In the name of Jesus, I take authority over every false spirit trying to mislead me and redirect me from divine guidance and direction. 
  11. In the name of Jesus, my communication with God will not be stopped. 
  12. In the name of Jesus, I take back all the gifts of the spirit that I have lost through sin and unholiness. 
  13. Powers causing me to forget what God told me in my dreams, die instantly in the name of Jesus. 
  14. Powers assigned to ruin my life by making me feel God’s guidance is not really important, die in the name of Jesus. 
  15. Father, I forgive me for all the times I have refused to obey your directives and accept your guidance. 
  16. My Father, don’t abandon me and watch me suffer because I have neglected your guidance and support. 
  17. My Father, have mercy on me. Restore unto me the joy of the salvation I have lost in the years when I disobeyed you and refused to listen to you. 
  18. Spirit of meekness and obedience, come upon now, in the name of Jesus. 
  19. Powers causing me to doubt the instructions and commands I receive from God, today is your end. Disappear in the name of Jesus. 
  20. In the name of Jesus, I convert my weaknesses in the dream to strength in the name of Jesus. 
  21. Lord, use your guidance and direction to make me stand out among my peers. 
  22. My Father, let my life disgrace every power of confusion and lack of focus. 
  23. Lord, let me cry in this prayer provoke your mercy and guidance. 
  24. I reject every power trying to put me in bondage by making me take the wrong decision and steps. 
  25. Daddy, I promise you that from today on, I will no longer depend on only my education, intelligence, and experience. I will consult you and invite you when I am making decisions and plans. 
  26. Every satanic machine being used to destroy all my good plans and visions, I destroy you all now, in the name of Jesus. 
  27. All good roads that have been closed against me through the wrong steps and actions I have taken, I decree them all to be open right now in the name of Jesus. 
  28. Wind of God, blow right now and clear all the spiritual dust blocking me from seeing God’s plan clearly. 
  29. Every power swallowing my efforts and plans to rise fall down and die right now,  in the name of Jesus. 
  30. Lord, use me to demonstrate how easy life becomes when you direct and lead a man. 
  31. In the name of Jesus, I leave the group of the confused and frustrated. 
  32. My seasons of breakthroughs I command you to reject satanic delays, in the name of Jesus. 
  33. Powers waiting to consume me after I start enjoying God’s direction and guidance, I decree and declare that the consuming fire of God, consume you now in the name of Jesus. 
  34. In the name of Jesus, I break every covenant binding me with stubbornness to God. 
  35. In the name of Jesus, I break and cancel all the curses I have brought upon myself by disobeying God. 
  36. The blood of Jesus breaks chains. By the power in that blood, I break and cancel every curse I have invited into my life by disrespecting all the men of God sent to me to direct and guide me. 
  37. In the name of Jesus, I resist every attempt to return to the days when I don’t listen to God. 
  38. Now that I have the power to hear from God, I pray in the name of Jesus that I will not lose that power. 
  39. Holy Spirit, don’t leave me. 
  40. Holy Spirit, teach me how to be your permanent friend whom you will always guide and direct.

More Bible verses About Divine Guidance And Direction

Isaiah 30:21 

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

Colossians 3:16 

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. . .

Jeremiah 33:3 

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

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