40 Prayers To Remain Humble
Humility is the direct opposite of pride. As children of God, we are expected to be humble like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, “who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the desth of the cross.” (Philippians 2:6-8)
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Subscribe NowHumble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.” (James 4: 10)
The enemy wants to keep us prideful because he knows that the Way of the Lord leads to a righteous walk with Him. When we walk in obedience with the Lord, “humbly before our God,” He lifts us up for HIS glory so that we can be used more and more for His purposes.
A humbled servant of the Lord is a serious threat to the workers of darkness.
So, if we want to truly destroy the destroyer, we must lead with humility before God.
When the Almighty God, through the Holy Spirit brings things to our attention, it is because He loves us enough to tell us the hard truths. If you are receiving a conviction of the heart, it is a kindness for you. The Lord is treating you like His child. The word of God tells us in Proverbs 3:11-12 to “despise not the chastening (discipline) of the Lord; neither be weary of His correction: for whom the Lord loves he corrects; even as a father the son in whom he delights.”
As dear children of God, it is our duty to humble ourselves before Him by recognizing our lowered position with His highly exalted one.
It is pertinent therefore to know that humility is a learned behavior. We have to consciously and consistently learn the act of humility before God our maker. It does not come naturally to us in our flesh. But, through practice and consistency, as we lower ourselves before God, emptying out all pretenses and assuming we know very little without Him, we will gradually become more and more humble as a part of our character. This is the process of sanctification. It is a process of gradual change towards holiness.
40 Prayers To Remain Humble
- Father, I thank you for the gift of life and the numerous daily benefits you load me with. I do not take them for granted in the name of Jesus.
- Almighty God, please make me a humble person in the name of Jesus.
- Please lord, destroy the root of pride in my life so that I can receive your grace.
- My Father and my God, give me the grace to demonstrate sincere humility like Your son Jesus Christ who left His glory above to die for my salvation.
- O God of heaven, in my walk with You, help me to submit myself to You in deep and genuine humility in the name of Jesus.
- Pride is a destroyer. I refused to be destroyed by pride in the name of Jesus.
- Almighty God, please clothe me with the garment of humility in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, as I humble myself before you, please honour my life in the name of Jesus.
- Father, may I never be opposed by you because of pride in the name of Jesus.
- Father please highlight to me what it truly means to live a humble life in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, I welcome You to mold and secure my heart in true humility by Your lead in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, please endow me with the virtue of humility that I may find grace with you in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord my God, please help me to bridle my tongue and guard my heart against speaking highly of myself in a way that showcases pride in Jesus name.
- Lord Jesus, teach my heart to always imitate your humility as I relate with people around me.
- Lord Jesus, help me to realize that when I am humble, I am most human and most truthful.
- Father, banish all sparks of self-importance that could elevate me greater than You in the name of Jesus.
- Almighty God, grant me grace to never view myself greater than anyone in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, rescue me from foolish pride and help me learn from Your gentle and humble heart in Jesus name.
- Gracious Father, reprogram my soul with your Word to remember the world is all about Jesus and not myself.
- Help me Lord not to think more highly of myself than I ought, but to delight in regarding others as more important in the name of Jesus.
- Lord Jesus, rescue me from the self-deception of pride by giving me a realistic view of my life, talents, and relationship with you.
- Lord, help me always to humbly look to the cross which reveals both the wrath I deserve and Your costly grace in the name of Jesus.
- Lord Jesus, You must become greater and I must become less in all I do for you and humanity.
- Father, help me have the humble attitude of Your son Jesus, remembering that You oppose the proud and give grace to the humble.
- Father, make me a servant ready to wear the garment of humility and serve you in whatever way would most help Your Kingdom and bring praise to Your Name.
- Lord Jesus, pride will not destroy my future in the name of Jesus.
- Father, do not let my achievements throw me into pride in the name of Jesus.
- In every way I have been exhibiting pride, Father prune my heart with humility .
- Father, mortify in me the whole body of pride in Jesus name.
- Lord grant me to feel that I am nothing and have nothing.
- Father help me never to speak any word that may tend to my own praise in Jesus name.
- Almighty God, deliver me from the snare of pride and help me not to lay it for others in Jesus name.
- Father, whenever you work through me, help me to always return the glory to you and not share your glory.
- O Lord, sow in me the good seed of humility in Jesus name.
- Father, keep me from falling prey to the many temptations that pride has scattered in my path.
- O God, work a good work in my life until I am more like Christ and less like me.
- Help me Lord to live in humility of spirit that I may reap the divine benefits of your grace in Jesus name.
- Lord, clothe me with humility so much that people will start to see Jesus in my life.
- Help me Lord to develop the beautiful fruit of humility as I continue to walk with you.
- Father, help me not to do anything in selfish ambition and lustful pride in Jesus name.