Biblical Prayers For Humility And Patience.

Biblical Prayers For Humility And Patience.

Biblical Prayers For Humility And Patience.

What is Humility?

This is when a person is humble, this is when someone exhibits a humbleness in behaviour and character. We have several verses of the Bible clearly stating the importance of humility and how God dislikes pride in the life of a believer. 

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Psalms 5:5 “Therefore, the proud may not stand in your presence, for you hate all who do evil”

This is a verse of the Bible shedding more light on how God views a proud person. The devil knows very well that God dislikes a proud person, the devil hence embark on the mission of sponsoring pride into the life of a believer, this shows the reason why we always need to check ourselves and our spiritual status to ensure we are still pleasing to God.

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Pride is a subtle weapon of the devil, meaning the devil can cunningly plant pride into the life of a believer and he or she will not detect the presence of pride except through the help of the Holy Spirit. Let us as children of God get rid of pride in our lives no matter how small it might be or seem.


What is Patience?

This is when a person is ready to wait for the something or manifestation of a required result and not losing one’s good character. Patience is a very important fruit of the Spirit which is of great necessity in the life of all believers.  Patience is learning to wait for the right thing to take place at the right time and not forcing it to be. Many times as Christians what we see as delay are not actually delay, but rather they are events from God trying to train us with the ability of patience. Patience is learning to remain hopeful and having strong faith even if it seems like God is silent. 

Proverbs 25:15

“Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones”

In this Bible verse we can notice clearly the importance and power of patience. Being patient is the period and time God uses in training us and building us to the kind of Christians He wants us to be. Patience always yields great results and most times the best results. As Christians and children of God we are all expected by our Heavenly Father to build our patience and strengthen our endurance.

Humility and Patience are very important and of great value in the life of every believer. God detest the proud and loves the humble.

Psalms 138:6 “Though the lord is great, he cares for the humble, but he keeps his distance from the proud”

This Bible verse above is clearly showing to us the importance God attached to humility.

Patience is one the great virtue Our Heavenly desires in all His children, our God is a God of time and the plans for our lives have been according to His time which is definitely the right time for us. In the plan of God there is always an assigned time for each and everyone one of us and we can only manifest in the fullness of God’s plan for our lives when we inculcate the habit and virtue of humility and patience into our daily lives.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven”

Ecclesiastes 7:8 “Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride”

As children of God we are expected to exercise patience and humility in our lives as we patiently, prayerfully and hopefully await the fulfilment and manifestation of our glorious destiny. This is showing us the necessity and importance of the Biblical Prayers for Humility and Patience so we can endure and emerge victorious during the waiting period of our life. The Biblical Prayers For Humility and Patience is very important and it is a prayer we should be praying every day of lives to strengthen our patience and build our humility.  We should know that our God is not too fast and our God is not too slow but rather our God is always on time, doing the right at the right time.


Biblical Prayers For Humility and Patience.

  1. My Father, I thank you for your mighty hand in my life and family in Jesus name.

Psalms 98:1 “Sing a new song to the lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. 

His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!

  1. My Father, I worship you for your mighty presence in my life and all my endeavours in Jesus name.

Psalms 41:12 “You have preserved my life because I am innocent; you have brought me into your presence forever”

  1. Oh Lord, I thank you for your kindness and favour bestowed upon me and my household in Jesus name.

Psalms 145:17 “The lord is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness”

  1. My Father, I worship you Lord for your protection and guidance upon me and my household in Jesus name.

Psalms 91:4 “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection”

  1. My Father, I praise you for your continuous blessings and provision in my life and family in Jesus name.

Psalms 23:5 “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings”

  1. My Father, release upon me the spirit of Humility in Jesus name.
  2. My Father, teach me to be patient in every endeavour of my life in Jesus name.
  3. My Father, give me the grace to be self-controlled in every area of my life in Jesus’ name.
  4. Oh Lord, silence every power sponsoring pride into my life to make me fall in Jesus name.

Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall”

  1. My Father, speak your voice of Humility into my life and affairs in Jesus name.
  2. Holy Spirit, teach me Humility so I will not rebel against the will and commandments of God in Jesus name.

Hebrews 3:16 “And who was it who rebelled against God, even though they heard his voice? Wasn’t it the people Moses led out of Egypt?”

  1. My Father, uproot by fire any plant of pride germinating in my life in Jesus name.
  2. My Father, teach me patience and Humility in Jesus name.

Ecclesiastes 7:8 “Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.

  1. My Father, help me never to live my life or walk in pride in Jesus name.

Job 33:17 “He makes them turn from doing wrong; he keeps them from pride”

  1. My Father, silence and destroy every voice sponsoring pride into my life to block from prayers from receiving answers in Jesus name.

 Job 35:12 “And when they cry out, God does not answer because of their pride”

  1. My Father, give me the grace and privilege to exercise patience in every of my endeavours in Jesus name.

Romans 15:5 “May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus”

  1. Oh Lord, I command every spirit and power of pride in my life to be dried up and wasted in Jesus name.
  2. Oh Lord, as from today I walk and live in Humility and patience for the fulfilment of my destiny in Jesus name.
  3. My Father, make me a man of Humility in Jesus name.

Proverbs 22:4 “True humility and fear of the lord lead to riches, honor, and long life”

  1. Oh Lord, like Jesus Christ, give me the spirit of Humility and cause me to excel in all my endeavours in Jesus name.
  2. My Father, give me the grace to pass whenever my patience is being tested in Jesus name.

Colossians 1:11 “We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy”

  1. Oh Lord, make my life produce abundance and gracious fruits of the Spirit in Jesus name.

Galatians 5:22 “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness”

  1. My Father, uproot by your power every negative fruit of pride and impatience growing in my life in Jesus name.
  2. Oh Lord, like Daniel, Joseph, Esther, Ruth, I shall live to ascend to the peak of my destiny in Jesus name.
  3. My Father, from this moment onward I begin to operate in total obedience and humility to your will and commandments in Jesus name.

1 Samuel 15:22 “But Samuel replied, 

“What is more pleasing to the lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? 

Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams”

  1. My Father, give me the grace to patiently endure so I can fulfill my glorious destiny in Jesus name.

Hebrews 10:36 “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised”

  1. My Father, teach me to always walk patiently in the manifestation of your great plan for my life in Jesus name.
  2. Oh Lord, break down totally every spirit of pride trying to dominate my life in Jesus name.
  3. My Father, give me the power to mortify and subdue the power of the flesh trying to take over my life in Jesus name.
  4. My Father, in my going out, coming in and all my endeavours let the spirit of patience and Humility be my companion in Jesus name.

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