45 Prayers To Bring Back The Dead

45 Prayers To Bring Back The Dead

45 Prayers To Bring Back The Dead

For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the son of man quickeneth whom He will” John 5:21.

Then said Jesus to them again, peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when He has said this, He breathed on them, and said unto them, receive ye the Holy Ghost.” John 20:21-22.


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Today, we will look at prayer points to bring back the dead back to life. This might seem an ambiguous topic for some believers but the truth is, it is possible for you and I to bring back the dead top life. Many will ask how that is possible and how we can do that. I am going to look at some biblical proof that prayers can bring back the dead and also our faith in God and in His word.

When Jesus came for His earthly ministry, he was commissioned or empowered by God to do all that He did while on earth. He had an immeasurable amount of faith at work that He was able to put the unction given to Him to work. He healed the sick, delivered the oppressed from the grip of the devil and above all, He brought the dead back to life. We saw the story of Lazarus, How Jesus raised him back to life and so many others mentioned in the bible. This shows that indeed God raised the dead and empowered Him to also walk in that same power. In John 5:21, Jesus acknowledged that it is God who raises the dead and quickens them and God has also given Him power to raise the dead, and He did raise the dead indeed during His earthly ministry.

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Before Jesus left for heaven, He gathered His disciples and also empowered them to do all that He did while on earth. The same empowerment God gave Him; He also transferred it to us. This He did, so that we also can raise the dead. The breath of the Holy Ghost into us is the empowerment we received to destroy the works of the devil and that includes destroying death and raising the dead back to life.

Authority and power have been given to us to bring the dead back to life and we must exercise that authority if we must defeat the devil and death. A believer cannot ignore the secret place if he wants to grow in spiritual stature to bring the dead back to life. Effective fervent prayer is needed for any believer to bring the dead back to life, the more you engage on the prayer altar, the more maturity in the spirit will be released to defeat death and the devil.

Prayer points have been outlined below to help the believer engage so as to call forth the dead out of the grave and bring them back to life.

45 Prayers To Bring Back The Dead

  1. Father, I thank you for the gift of life and for your love and care over these years, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father, I thank you for upholding my life and giving it meaning to know and worship you, in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father, I thank you for your protection and guidance over my life and for keeping me safe from the hands and eyes of the evil ones, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Father. I confess my sins before you today and repent of them, asking that you forgive and have mercy on me by your abundant mercy, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Father, by the blood of Jesus, wash and cleanse me from every iniquity that has beset me and make me whole and fit for your presence, in the name of Jesus,
  6. Father, I come to you today and I ask that you hear my voice as I call upon you and empower me for your work today and beyond, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Father, as you sent your son Jesus into this world to heal and raise the dead, empower me today to also heal and raise the dead, in the name of Jesus.
  8. Father, I command every spirit of fear and doubt around me and in me to be cast out now and fill me with the spirit of boldness and faith to bring back the dead, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Father. By your power endued upon me, I stand upon that power and I decree that you come back to life, in the name of Jesus. Matt 10:7-8.
  10.  Father, you are the Lord of all powers, I ask that you open up the grave of this dead man and bring him out of the grave and back to life, in the name of Jesus. Ezek 37:13.
  11.  Father, because the spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in this dead man, let that spirit quicken his mortal body and bring him back to life, in the name of Jesus. Rom 8:11.
  12.  Father, Jesus is the resurrection and the life and he who believes in him, though he dies shall yet live, I therefore declare that this man believes in you and decree that he be raised back to life, in the name of Jesus. Jn 11:25.
  13.  Father, by your word, I hold the arms of this dead man as the apostle Paul did, and I decree that his life be returned to him and let him come back to life, in the name of Jesus. Acts 20:7-12.
  14.  Father, I stand upon the authority of your word and I command every power of darkness holding the life of this dead person to release him and let him come back to life, in the name of Jesus.
  15.  Father, you are the breath of life, I ask that you breathe into this man the breath of life and cause him to live again, in the name of Jesus.
  16.  Father, by the words of Jesus, I command the dead to arise and come back to life, in the mighty name of Jesus. Luke 7:11-17.
  17.  Father, I ask that by your power and word to raise and quicken the dead at your will, quicken and bring this dead body back to life by your will, in the name of Jesus. John 5:21.
  18.  Father, by authority, I command the cold hands of death to get off this man and bring him back to life, as it is impossible for your children to be held by it, in the name of Jesus. Acts 2:24.
  19.  Father, by your word of command, I command that the spirit of death loses its pangs over the life of this man and let him be free from death and brought back to life, in the name of Jesus. Acts 2:24.
  20.  Father, by your word and mighty hand, let the dead rise back to life and live again in joy and glory, in the mighty name of Jesus. Isaiah 26:19.
  21.  Father, judge every gods of the land that is holding unto the life of this man and let his life return to him and he lives again to your glory, in the mighty name of Jesus. Exodus 12:13.
  22.  Father, let the blood of Jesus that was shed for the life of man be the token for his life and bring him back to life, in the name of Jesus. Exodus 12:14.
  23.  Father, by the blood of the eternal covenant, brings this man out of the pit of death and brings him back to a life of glory and exploitation, in the name of Jesus. Zechariah 9:11.
  24.  Father, I turn this dead man to you the stronghold of life and I ask that he be brought back to life from the dead, in the mighty name of Jesus. Zechariah 9:12.
  25.  Father, by your breath of life in me, I breathe life back into this man and bring him back to life to the glory of your name, in the name of Jesus. Genesis 2:7.
  26.  Father, you have the breath of life in your nostrils, breathe life into this dead body and bring him back to life, in the name of Jesus. Genesis 2:7.
  27.  Father, because my redeemer was dead and lives again, I ask that this dead man be raised back to life to the power and glory of your name, in the mighty name of Jesus. Job 19:25.
  28.  Father, the life of the flesh is in the blood, therefore infuse the blood of Jesus into this dead body and let him be raised back to life, in the mighty name of Jesus. Leviticus 11:17.
  29.  Father, you raised Jesus from the dead and brought him back to life, revalidate the power of the resurrection in the life of this dead man and bring him back to life to your glory, in the name of Jesus.
  30.  Father, by your authority in me, every strongman or woman standing at the gate not to allow this man to return back to life, I command you to be roasted by the fire from heaven, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  31.  Father, by your word, I command every gate of hell to lift up its head and release this dead to return back to life, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 24:7.
  32.  Father, command the gates of hell to lift up its head and bring back the life of the dead in their possession to the glory of your name, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  33.  Father, all souls and life are your, do not let the gates of death prevail over the life of your children by taking them down to hades, quicken them and bring them back to life, in the name of Jesus.
  34.  Father, Jesus has the keys of hell and death, therefore let that key speak for the dead today and use it to raise back the dead back to life, in the name of Jesus. Revelations 1:18.
  35.  Father, I ask that your son Jesus should use the key of death in favor of the dead, release them from hades and bring them back to life, in the name of Jesus.
  36.  Father, you have the gift of eternal life, give this gift to this dead body and let him jack back to life, in the name of Jesus.
  37.  Father, I receive the power to lay to hands on the dead, and as I lay hand on this dead body, let life be restored back to him, in the name of Jesus.
  38.  Father, as you commanded Ezekiel, I breathe life into the dead and they are brought back to life to the glory of your name, in the name of Jesus.
  39.  Father, by the resurrection power, raise back the dead to life and give him a life of glory and honor, in the name of Jesus.
  40.  Father, by your word, I overcome the spirit of death with the blood of eternal life and I bring this man back to life, in the name of Jesus. 
  41.  Father, the blood is the ransom for our lives, therefore the dead is brought back to life now because the ransom has been paid completely, in the name of Jesus.
  42.  Father, I use the blood of the lamb as a buy back for the life of the dead and bring him back to life, in the name of Jesus.
  43.  Father, by your word, I lift up the gates of hades by the power in the blood and release the life of the dead and return him back to life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  44.  Father, because Jesus is holding the key of death in his hands, Jesus releases a word of command over the life of this dead body and brings him back to life, in the name of Jesus.
  45.  Father, I thank you for answering my prayers and bring back the dead to life to the glory of your Holy Name, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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