30 Thanksgiving Prayers For My Husband

Thanksgiving Prayers For My Husband


30 Thanksgiving Prayers For My Husband

“For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his own wife”

When a man leaves his father and mother to cleave unto us as wives, it is important that their lives become even better once they make that decision to cleave to us. As Christian wives, we can only achieve this by praying for them always, either by thanksgiving or by making supplications for them. Let’s consider the following 30 thanksgiving prayers for your husband.

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

30 Thanksgiving Prayers For My Husband

1) Father, I thank you for being the maker and the God of my husband. Thank you for forming him in your likeness and image. For making him your creature.

2) Father, I thank you for loving my husband and sending Jesus to die for him. Thank you for saving him and for helping him to acknowledge you as his Lord and saviour. Thank you for dying for him on the cross. Thank you for living him so much to die for him.

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3) Father I thank you for hearing my husband each time he calls on you. Thank you for always hearing him when he calls upon you Thank you for never putting him to shame. Thank you for fulfilling your promise if answering us when we we call over his life.

4) Father I thank you for always showing my husband mercy. Thank you for being so merciful unto him. Thank you for looking beyond his faults and showing him mercy in all areas of his life

5) Father, I thank you for making my husband the head of this family. The Bible said that a man is the head if a family. Thank you for making my husband the spiritual and physical head of this family. Thank you because just like you, he has been ruling us in love and care.

6) Thank you for providing him with the wisdom to lead our family. Thank you for giving him so much wisdom needed to lead this family. Thank you for teaching all he needs to keas us effectively. Thank you for mentoring him in wisdom that enables him mentor us also.

7) Thank you for helping him to trust you always. Thank you for his trust in you. Thank you for never failing him. Thank you for encouraging Hus trust in you. Thank you for always helping him. For encouraging his trust in you, I am grateful.

8) Thank you for helping him to trust and obey you always. For teaching him to trust and obey you with doubts and worries, I bless you. For teaching him mind to stay perfectly on you without seeking other gods, I thank you.

9) Thank you for providing him with resources to take care of this family. For the provision of food,  clothe, shelter and resources for his family, we say thank you. For giving him all that is required to take care of his family, I bless your name.

10) Thank you for making him a worthy example to his wife and children. For keeping him as a perfect example worthy of emulation to his family and those around him. Thank you because he is not a pretender.

11) Thank you for not giving the devil a place in his heart. Thank you for keeping his heart away from the destruction of the devil. For preserving his mind in the things of God.

12) Thank you for the journey mercy you grant unto him always. For bringing him back and taking him out safely without disaster or calamity over his life, I am grateful

13) Thank you for helping him to overcome temptations. Thank you for helping him overcome all forms of temptations on his part, I say thank you Jesus.

14) Thank you for thwarting the wiles of the devil over him. Thank you for disgracing the wiles if the devil over his life. For always looking out for him and shielding him from the attacks of the devil. I say thank you.

16) Thank you for giving him good health. For not allowing his health fail him. For not allowing people gather to begin to raise funds for him. For not allowing us begin run helter skelter over his health.

17) Thank you for your grace and love over his life. For being gracious unto him and showing him unfailing love all the time.

18) Thank you for lifting him up always above all limitations over his business career, family and ministry. For not allowing the devil touch anything he holds dear. We say thank you Lord.

19) Thank you for keeping his feet from sliding. Thank you for not allow him to backslide. For not allowing him to go back into the world and to the devil. For keeping his heart from falling. I am grateful.

20) Thank you for keeping him from evil friends and influences. Thank you for not allowing evil friends into his life. For keeping him from bad influences at work and even in the church. Thank you for shielding him with godly friends round about.

21) Thank you for keep him from adultery and from strange women. Thank you for shielding him from dangerous and adulterous women who will lead is soul to hell. Thank you for helping him resist all their lures. Thank you for helping him to keep his eyes stayed on you always.

22) Thank you for filling him with the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus. For baptizing him with the Holy Spirit. For filling him up so much with the Holy Spirit. For making the Holy Spirit his friend and partner always.

23) Thank you for keeping him in the faith always. Thank you that despite the challenges, he remains in the light and righteousness if God. Thank you for not allowing him to lose his faith in you.

24)Thank you for lifting him up in his down moments. For always being there to encourage him no matter the situation. For raising him up always. For showing strengthening him and making him stronger no matter that challenges.

25) Thank you for never taking your joy from him. For never taking your joy from him. For making him happy and glad in you. For never allowing the devil take his joy from him by filling him with sorrow of heart. I say thank you.

26) Thank you for upholding him in truth and righteousness. For leading him in truth and righteousness always. For not making him ungodly in character and behavior. Thank you for teaching him how to live in righteousness and holiness everyday and in truth too. Lord, I say thank you.

27) Thank you for empowering him in your service For helping him to serve you with all his might and with all his strength. For not allowing him to be among those who roam about without the knowledge if Christ. For developing him in spiritual maturity enough to serve in your kingdom, I say thank you Lord.

28) Thank you for the spirit of patience and genuine love that you gave him. For giving the fruit of the spirit. Helping him to be patient and genuinely living his home and those around him. For not making him bitter and impatient, father I say thank you.

29) Thank you for overcoming challenges for him always. For every challenges and every difficulty that you help him overcome. For pulling him out of difficult challenges. For being there even in his down moment. I am grateful.

30) Thank you for supporting him and caring for him. For always being so good to him. For supporting him and caring for him in the good and bad times. For showing him so much love and concern, I am grateful.

Praying for our husbands means that we love them and we want them to succeed. We must learn to commit them unto the Lord and ensure that we do not stop interceding for them.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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