7 Effective Ways To Memorize The Bible.

7 Effective Ways To Memorize The Bible.

7 Effective Ways To Memorize The Bible.


Joshua 1: 8

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This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you  shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Psalm 119:11

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Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.


Memorizing the words of God, gives us lighter knowledge of God on what He wants us to do at every point in time and confidence in what God can do and who God is. We cannot claim to be a child of God, and not memorize the words of God off hand, because the devil can come to try us anytime, it could even be while asleep, but the amount of God’s words we have in our heart and mind is what will fight for us at that moment. 

Learning the words of God brings light, when there is light, there is no sickness, there is no pain, there is no anxiety, there is no lack, even when all of these come our way, we can always conquer it by the words of God we have in our hearts.  Psalm 119:105 says” Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Memorizing the words of God also helps us to be conscious of what God wants us to do, such as obeying His words and following His commandments. The book of Psalms 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Memorizing the words of God also helps us to fight the issues of life that may come our way. The book of John15:7 says’ If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you  will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Our topic for the article says, 7 effective ways to memorize the bible, the truth is we all learn differently hence, the reason why we will be citing 7 different ways we can memorize the scripture.

7 Effective Ways To Memorize The Bible.

  1. Map out a plan that works for you:  Memorizing can be tough for some people because we all operate at different levels of assimilating and memorizing things. Therefore, mapping out a plan that works for you is the first thing to do. Know when your mind is focused and at peace to study and memorize. Set a plan on when or what time of the day you want to do the memorizing, because the atmosphere may be too rowdy to assimilate sometimes. While some people can memorize even in a noisy environment, some cannot and will need a quiet and peaceful atmosphere to study.
  2. Study and understand the memory verse: Have a deep understanding of your choice of memory verse before memorizing it. You must study to show yourself approved, understand what you want to memorize, have a deep knowledge of what you want to memorize before memorizing it off hand. Do not just memorize for memorizing sake, understand the deep meaning of the verse before memorizing it, this will help you to memorize it in a faster way, and bridge the gap of forgetfulness.
  3. Recite your choice of memory verse everyday: Reciting your memory verse everyday will also help you to get used to the verse easily and learn it faster. You can choose to recite it every morning, afternoon, or evening. I remember in my church we recite Joshua chapter 1:8 every Sunday after service as the church’s closing charge, thereby, it made everyone memorize the verse and know it off hand. We learn and assimilate what we say every time, consciously or unconsciously we get used to what we say every day.
  4. Sing it as a song: Another effective way to learn memory verse, is singing it as a song. We learn songs extremely fast. Research shows that children learn fast when it is in song. Thereby, it works with adults too. When trying to memorize a memory verse and it seems a bit difficult, you can take a switch if you love music, just change the memory verse to songs, it will flow well and be easy to memorize.
  5. Ask for help: Asking for help in this context means to ask someone to help you check how far you are improving, that is, reciting the memory verses in front of the person and the person helps to check and follow up from the bible to see if you are omitting some words as you recite it. This helps to check how far you have learnt the memory verse.
  6. Paste your memory verses on walls: Pasting the memory verses on walls or where it can be visible to you to see always is another way for you to learn memory verse in an effective way. You can paste it at home, at the office, on the wardrobe door, in the kitchen, on the fridge door, or pasting it on everywhere where your eyes can easily see it. Pasting a memory verse where it is catchy and visible to see will stand as a guide and as a reminder. This will help your assimilation and make you learn it faster.
  7. Do not rush it: Remember you are not in a competition with no one, take your time and take one step at a time, do not rush nor force it, let it flow as it comes. If you want to learn two memory verses in a day, make sure you achieve it and do not rush to learn or memorize five in a day when you are still struggling to remember the first memory verse you learnt or memorized. Remember the aim is to know the words of God by heart and be able to quote it and make use of it whenever it is needed. 


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