40 Prayers Against Moving Objects In My Body.

40 Prayers Against Moving Objects In My Body

40 Prayers Against Moving Objects In My Body. 

Matthew 15:13- But He answered and said: “Every plant which My heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up”.

Are you experiencing some strange movements in your body? Do you seem to have an unpleasant feeling that something is moving around in your body? Pray these 40 prayers against moving objects in my body.

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

The human body was created to house our soul and the holy spirit of God, and not demonic objects, this is why the bible says; “know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost”

So sickness, disease, and demonic objects are not meant to be in your body at all.

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In most cases, moving objects in the body are not normal occurrences, they are strong demonic afflictions aimed at destroying the health and general wellbeing of the victim (John 10:10). 

And because they are done from the coven of darkness, it doesn’t matter the amount of check ups the medical practitioners carry out on the afflicted, they will mostly not find anything wrong.

Because these demonic moving objects are spiritually injected into the human body, they can only be pushed out of the same body by powerful prayers and fasting. Remember the healing case recorded in Matthew 17: 21, the disciples of Jesus asked him why they couldn’t conduct the healing, and He told them: “This kind goeth not but by prayers and fasting”.

In the same way, there are some strong demonic afflictions that won’t just go by you wishing them away, rather you must fast and pray fervently, knowing fully well that it takes the violent to take their healing by force Matthew 11:12.

As you pray these 40 Prayers Against Moving Objects In My Body, may the Lord cause His fire to pass through your body and destroy all moving objects in Jesus mighty name.

Let’s proceed to the 40 Prayers Against Moving Objects In My Body

40 Prayers Against Moving Objects In My Body

  1. Oh Lord I thank you for your faithfulness and your mercy upon my life and my family, to you be all praises in Jesus name
  2. Father I thank you for your everlasting kindness which you have shown unto me and my family, all glory belongs to you Lord.
  3. Lord I am grateful for You have chosen to keep me alive despite all the works of my adversaries against me, to you be all honor in Jesus precious name
  4. Oh Lord I thank you for you are determined to heal me and set me free from evil objects moving in my body, blessed be your Holy name
  5. Great God I am grateful for the grace to be alive to read this article and to pray the prayer within, thank you Lord for loving me
  6. Everlasting King I am grateful for the divine healing you have promised me in your Word, thank you Lord Jesus 
  7. Thank you Father for exposing the works of the enemy in my life, thank you for not allowing their evil works to prevail over me
  8. Thank you for the glorious destiny that You have given, thank You because You are able to keep me till the end, in Jesus name
  9. Thank you because no weapon of the enemy shall prosper against me and my family, all glory belongs to you Lord
  10. As I pray this day I command every evil deposit of the enemy in my body to get out by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  11. Evil substances sent into my body by demonic altars, get out by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  12. Arrows of the night sent into my bloodstream to torment my health, get back to your sender now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  13. You demonic mirror used to study my health in order to afflict it, break to pieces in the mighty name
  14. You evil witch and wizard that has vowed that I will not fulfill destiny, die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  15. Every household enemy using my picture to command demonic objects into my body, will be destroyed now by fire.
  16. Substance of hell in my body, get out by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  17. Demonic programming assigned to afflict me in the time of my rest, I cancel you by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  18. Altars of demon making evil remarks over my destiny, die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  19. Everyone who has sworn that I will not prosper in my destiny, I command you to die by fire in Jesus name.
  20. Every orchestration of darkness to make me lose my health, I command it to be frustrated by fire in Jesus name
  21. Holy ghost scanner run through my body and destroy every evil object there, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  22. Every strange personality planning my death, I decree that the evil you have conceived against me shall speedily befall you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  23. Concerning me, men shall not gather to weep and mourn in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  24. I reject the evil thoughts of the wicked concerning my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  25. I decree that though my enemies come out against me in one way, they shall flee before me in seven other ways in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  26. I frustrate every demonic token in my stomach, I shall no longer have stomach pain, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  27. I live in divine health, henceforth, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  28. Nothing shall trouble my health anymore in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  29. Every power that the enemy is using against me, I render it useless now by the power in the name of Jesus Christ
  30. Because Christ is the solid rock upon which I stand, my health shall not sink, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  31. I walk into my total liberty from pain, shame and disgrace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  32. I block my dream life against every demon and evil personality that may want to poison me in dreams in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  33. The foods that I eat shall bring me sound health and sound mind in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  34. I shall no longer lose anything good in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  35. The thoughts of the wicked shall no longer prosper concerning me and my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  36. All substance and object of the enemy in my body, get out by fire and thunder in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  37. I recover everything I have lost to sickness and demonic affliction in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  38. My days are prolonged by the mercies of God in Jesus mighty name
  39. Thank you Father for there’s nothing impossible for You to do
  40. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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