Best Prayers For Success In Business Sales.
The wish of God for all His children is to be successful in their endeavours including their business Sales. As children of God we are expected to bring everything to our heavenly Father in prayer so he can oversee their success.
Psalms 90:17 “And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful”
As business man/woman we are also expected to come to God in prayer whenever we are engaging in any business endeavours or enterprise, hence this shows the importance of prayer points of success for business Sales. Many things might want to stand against us in our business enterprise but when we come to God in prayer concerning the business and we place everything into His hands, then Our Heavenly Father will surely and definitely ensure that we profit in our business enterprise. As business man/woman we must know that the profiting at our business enterprise is only made possible by God and through Him. We must know that our efforts cannot do it, so we should not relent on our sales expertise only but rather the hands of God in the business makes the business profitable.
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- Adequate Financial Planning: As a business man/woman we must ensure to prepare adequately both financially and every other aspect involved, for our business enterprise. No business man/woman can make profit without adequate Financial Planning, as a business man/woman we are expected to do our part before God can play His part and hence what we are expected to do as our part and role is to diligently plan the business.
- Deal with Discouragement: A business man/woman must learn how to deal with Discouragement from people before embarking on any business enterprise. These can hinder the success of a man/woman in his/her business enterprise. As a business man/woman you must believe in God that He has given and bestowed upon you the ability, power and grace needed to run a business and profit.
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
- Pray: This is very important in any business enterprise for a business man. It is only by the hands of God we can profit in our business Sales and not by your efforts only, hence as business man/woman we must not depend on our business knowledge and efforts only to profit in business. Pray to God and He will bring you profit in your business.
Matthew 21:22 “You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”
Best Prayers For Success In Business Sales.
- My Father, I honour and adore you for your unfailing love over me and my household in Jesus name.
Psalms 29:2 “Honour the lord for the glory of his name. Worship the lord in the splendour of his holiness”
- My Father, I thank you for the good ideas you have bestowed upon to study and understand businesses in Jesus name.
- My Father, I thank you for your continuous provision, guidance and protection over my life in Jesus name.
2 Samuel 22:3 “My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
He is my refuge, my saviour, the one who saves me from violence”
- Oh Lord, touch my brain and activate my brain to create and develop business ideas in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, let the spirit of success take over my business enterprise and make me profit in Jesus name.
- My Father bestows upon me the Spirit of excellence to profit at my business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, let the Holy Spirit bring to my remembrance what I need to excel in business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, give me a retentive memory to retain and remember everything I have developed about my business in Jesus you.
- My Father, silence every power and voice that wants to speak failure into my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, let my business enterprise be profiting in Jesus name.
- My Father, make me best and stand out among all other business owners in Jesus name.
Daniel 1:20 “Whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgement, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom”
- My Father, give me the endowment to be unique and different in my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- My Father, let everything around me work together for my profiting at my business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, by your power and might awaken every dead cell in my brain to start working in maximum capacity towards my business growth in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, give me the capacity to discipline myself so I can experience great expansion in business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, set ablaze every spiritual force standing against my profiting in business in Jesus name.
- Holy Spirit, guide and help me to be diligent with my business so I can experience financial growth upon my business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, uproot by fire every foundational failure planted in my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- My Father, send your Angels to guide me and help me in my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, dry up all evil and demonic deposit sponsoring failure into my business Sales in Jesus name.
- My Father, make me successful in all my endeavours in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, tear off from my life and destiny every garment of failure in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, by your power and fire, demolish every altar of failure in my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- My Father, pull down every stronghold of failure that might want to stand against my Profiting and growth in my business enterprise in Jesus name
- My Father surrounds me with great helpers that will help me to profit in my business in Jesus name.
- My Father, let the spirit of favour speak concerning my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- My Father, grant me the knowledge required to excel in my business in Jesus name.
Proverbs 8:14 “Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are mine”
- Oh Lord, use my life and everything about me to demonstrate your success in Jesus name.
- My Father, give the grace to share my testimony of my remarkable growth in my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, help me to scale greater heights in my business Sales and enterprise in Jesus name.
- My Father, let the Holy Spirit go before me and put all things in my favour to experience advancement in my business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, expose and destroy every plan of the enemy to bring me failure concerning my business in Jesus name.
- God, I receive the grace, anointing to excel greatly in my business enterprise in Jesus name.
- My Father, destroy every plan of the enemy to make me fail in my business in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, destroy all wicked plans of the enemy to make me experience debt in my business in Jesus name.
- My Father, grant me your success in my business career in Jesus Name.
- My Father, help me to share testimonies of my business growth in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, shine your light upon my business enterprise in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, let your Mighty Hand rest upon my business in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, Let your glory rest and shine upon my business enterprise in Jesus Name.