How To Be A Better Wife In Christian Marriage

How To Be A Better Wife In Christian Marriage

How To Be A Better Wife In Christian Marriage

KEY SCRIPTURES: Proverbs 31:10-31; 1 Peter 3:1-4

1 Peter 3:1-4 “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. 3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel.  4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

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The bible typically said that he that finds a wife find a good thing and obtain favor. God is the author of marriage and there are some guidelines and set rules given by God to have a successful married life. God saw that man needed a companion and that was why Eve was made. In Proverbs 31; from verse 10 -31 talks about the quality of a good wife. Paul also admonished on how both man and woman are to behave in the marriage setting. To be a good and better wife is not inherited but it takes discipline and hard work. A wife needed to develop the right character and personality to be the best wife to her husband in a marriage. To be a better wife in a Christian marriage doesn’t involve just being good to the husband, the in-laws, children, and neighbors must recommend her to others as a good exemplary of a good wife. A wife that wants to be better in a marriage must not be slothful or deceitful in nature because whatever she does will be built in the life of the children birthed by her. 

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A wife must be completely devoted to her husband, set quality priorities, always keep her inner attitude in check, treat her husband with honor and respect, maintain good relationship with her husband and everyone around her, be helpful and supportive of her husband in order to make a better wife in Christian marriage. Her good work must be seen in the life of the husband and must constantly pray for her family. There are various ways to be a better wife in a Christian marriage and we will be mentioning some in this article.


A wife in a Christian marriage must be prayerful and live a life of prayer, her prayer altar must burn consistently because it is through her prayers, evils are diverted from the family. She must also involve her family in praying to God. Have a personal relationship with God and learn to hear God regarding your family. Her husband and children must be free to talk about any issues or challenges with her because they know with her, they are rest assured she will do the needful. To be a better wife, one needs to be watchful and sensitive in the spirit to know when any member of her family is bothered and take it up to God in prayers. Lifting your husband and children up in prayers regularly is the best gift a good wife can give her family.


A wife in a Christian marriage must set quality priorities in the marriage to make a better wife. She should first submit herself to God, her creator, followed by her husband, then her children before others. She mustn’t allow external force or party to dictate how to run her home. She should endeavor to spend quality time with her husband and build great relationship with him. To make a better wife, attend to the needs of your husband first before the children, don’t push your husband’s needs unattended to in exchange for the children. The husband is first in priority setting for a wife.


A wife must learn how to communicate her needs, desires, or hurts without being rude or arrogant about it. The wife must learn to develop good character and keep her inner attitude in check. A wife in a Christian marriage is not expected to be resentful or harbor bitterness towards her husband but learn to communicate any hurt respectfully. All bitterness and negative thoughts should be held captive in Christ. A wife should always endeavor to see the good side of her husband and help him to develop more on it as a good helper from God. A wife must learn to treat her husband with respect and honor outwardly even when he doesn’t deserve it because that will mold him or change him to be a better husband as you are also attaining towards being a better wife in a Christian marriage. God can work through a better wife to remold the husband into the purpose he was created in the first instance. 


God saw that man was alone and needed a helpmeet and that was why a wife was given to him by God, someone who will help him both in good and bad situation, support him always to attain his God’s given purpose and destiny on earth. Going through life alone can be quite challenging so as a good wife, you need to lessen the burden of your husband by making sure the home is a peaceful haven which the husband can always come back to refresh and equip himself to face the world outside. The wife must be there for him in all aspects of life to ease his burden on matters around him. When the wife is supportive of the husband, the husband is encouraged to face the world and he is confident with assurance to tackle life since he has a better helpmeet. 


A wife should never allow the love fire to burn out of her marriage. She needs to continually maintain good and stable relationship with her husband daily by planning things that foster stability and unity. Have time to create fun, playful environment for your husband. Maintain intimate with husband to reduce temptations for him, keep the spark alive in the marriage. 


Once a wife submits to God fully in all aspects of life, being a better wife in marriage will be easy because her mind has been regenerated and the Holy Spirit can guide her on ways to be the virtuous woman in a Christian marriage. Submitting to God enables her to do things that will make her home peaceful for all and allow her to develop a personality that give room to improve better in her marriage so that she can be an example to others.


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