How To Win Your Husband’s Heart

How To Win Your Husband's Heart

How To Win Your Husband’s Heart

Ephesians 5:2-3

With all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

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Romans 13:8

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.


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Winning someone’s heart requires some positive actions, even God requires us to give our lives to Him and obey His commandments before we can win His heart to answer our prayers. Therefore, in our article today, we will be talking about how to win your husband’s heart.

Everyone wants to be loved and cherished, there is a saying that says” treat others the way you want to be treated. It is what you give that you get. If you treat your husband rightly, you win his heart and things will go well for the two of you in the family.

The greatest commandment for women to win their husbands heart from God was ‘Submit.” God implores the women to submit to their husbands, but there are also some other steps you can take to win your husbands heart after submitting to him.

How To Win Your Husband’s Heart

  1. Submit to your husband: The first commandment God gave to women to the husband, as stated in our introduction was Submit. To win your husband’s heart you must be a wife that submits, honors, and respects her husband, never disrespecting your husband both in the house while alone together or in the presence of the children or publicly. No man likes to be disrespected, all men have this ego that must not be tampered with, so, never ever try to disrespect him in any way. Humble yourself before him, even when you know what he is trying to say or do is wrong, find a better way to correct him and not disrespect him while trying to correct him.
  2. Pray for him always: Never stop putting your husband in God’s hands, because he is human, and he can make mistakes too just like you. Prayer works, there is nothing prayers cannot do. The bible says’ with God, all things are possible. Prayers can change his heart towards you. In praying for him, you tend to love him more and see him through God’s eyes even when he erred, you will forgive him easily. Forgiving and forgetting can only genuinely happen when you pray for him always.
  3. Spend quality time together: Spending quality time together deepens and strengthens your relationship. It brings about mutual understanding and with this you win his heart. Spend a special time together every day, make sure you have a particular time you spend asking questions about how the day went and what you can do to be a better wife and more. Do not be judgmental, ask questions on whatever you need clarification on, do not be a nagging wife, nor a wife that complains all the time.
  4. Support His dreams and visions: Do not be a wife that brings her husband’s dreams and visions down. Give him a helping hand, by encouraging him to be and do his best, support his dreams, ask him questions on how he wants to see his goals being achieved, be his cheerleader, be his number first fan also, support him emotionally.
  5.  Cook good food for him:  As a wife that wants to win his husband’s heart, you must be that wife that takes good care of her husband by cooking good food for him. Endeavour to always try as much as possible to cook good food for him everyday if possible. Do not be too busy with other chores of taking care of the children and the house or career. Take good care of your husband. Do not feed him with junk always with the excuse of no time to cook. Not all men like food, but most men like to eat good food.
  6. Respect his family and friends: When you show cordial respect and care to his extended family and friends, he will surely love and adore you more. A husband that knows his family and friends loves you, will dance to your tone anytime any day, because he knows his family and friends will not support him to do anything wrong against you.
  7. Buy gifts for him: You can win your husband’s heart by buying gift for him, just surprise him with gifts, not necessarily on his birthday alone, and it does not have to be too expensive, send the gift to him in his workplace, put it in his pocket while going to work, put it on his hands while sleeping on the bed. You can also write love messages to him, send him via text, write a love note on a piece of paper, put it in his trousers or suit while going out. Just try and surprise him always with whatever he likes, with this, you will win his heart.
  8. Understand his love language: For you to win your husband’s heart, you must understand and speak his love language. Do research or identify what he likes and what he does not like. Make sure you do and adjust yourself to what he likes. Some men love to watch football, and some do not really like watching the ball, but as a woman that wants to win her husband’s heart, you must adjust and develop interest in watching the football with him. You must be able to speak his love languages too. Do not be too rigid to adapt to changes. When you understand what he likes and what he does not like, you will win his heart.
  9. Do not deny him sex: Sex is another thing that most men likes. It is understandable that when women starts taking care of children, their libido reduces, that is the urge for sex in women usually reduces, probably because of the stress of taking care of children, but as a woman that wants to win her husband’s heart, you must try as much as possible not to deny your husband of sex. Communicate in a respectful and loving way if you must say no to him. Sex denial, put men off most times and they may use that as an excuse to start staying away from their wives.
  10. Become his best friend: A best friend will never do anything that will hurt his or her bestie. To win your husband’s heart, you must become his best friend. Let him feel you all the time, create a relationship between you two that no one can come in between to separate. Friends can call on one another anytime of the day, friends can ask any question from one another, friends can gist at anytime and on anything at any time. Friends do not keep secrets. So as a wife that wants to win her husband’s heart, you must strive to make him your best friend.

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