Prayer Points Against Constipation.
What Is Constipation?
Constipation is a very pathetic situation in which a person finds it hard to pass out waste disposal due to indigestion and some other reasons.
Constipation is a tool used by the enemy to wage war against a Christian but we must be glad and happy because in the plans of God for our lives, we have good and sound health. It is not in the plans of God for us as His children to be inflicted with constipation but for us to enjoy fruitfulness, multiplication and good health in all areas of our lives and endeavours and also to ensure the fulfilment of our great and glorious destiny.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
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Subscribe NowAs Christians we must know the importance of praying the prayer against constipation and we must always pray the prayer to ensure our victory against all sickness.
Waging War Against Constipation.
- Prayer and Fasting: Prayer is a very important and powerful tool in fighting and waging war against the devil in any way. Hence we must always ensure that we pray and to show our great commitment and desire then it’s necessary to add fasting to our prayers.
- Live a Holy Life: Living a holy life is a very important tool in serving God and fighting the devil and resisting all forms of attacks from him. As Christians we must always ensure that we live a very pure and blameless life before God so our prayer can gain free access without delay into the presence of God.
- Commitment to God: As Christians we must be committed and consume ourselves with the service of God so the devil will not have access to us in any way. It is only if we are idle then we can serve as the devil’s workshop hence when we are occupied with the things of God then the devil cannot gain access into our lives.
- Resounding Faith: We must know that before anything can be given to us from God, then our strong and healthy faith is required. It is only by our faith we can get quick and prompt answers to our prayers.
Matthew 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
- Eating Healthy and Hygienic Food: Eating balanced and clean food is one very important way to ensure our good health. We must always endeavour and ensure that we eat good and clean foods, so our body system can be well developed to resist all forms of sicknesses and diseases.
- Medical Check Ups: As Christians we are advised to go for regular medical check ups.
Prayer Points Against Constipation.
- My Father, I worship your Holy Name for your privilege to witness this day as a living soul in Jesus Name.
Psalms 16:11 “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever”
- My Father, I thank you for your grace and mercy upon me and my family in Jesus Name.
Psalms 28:6 “Praise the lord! For he has heard my cry for mercy”
- My Father, I worship your name for your continuous provision and supply upon me and my household in Jesus Name.
Psalms 68:10 “There your people finally settled, and with a bountiful harvest, O God, you provided for your needy people”
- My Father, I worship your name for your powerful protection upon me and my family in Jesus Name.
Psalms 18:2 “The lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety”
- My Father, I worship you for your mighty hand working wonders in my life, destiny, career, academics, business, marriage and ministry in Jesus Name.
Psalms 98:1 “Sing a new song to the lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power”.
- Oh Lord, listen to petitions and give answers to my prayers in Jesus Name.
Psalms 5:3 “Listen to my voice in the morning, lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly”
- Oh Lord, surround me and my household with your unfailing love in Jesus Name.
Psalms 90:14 “Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.
- My Father, continue to guide my footsteps and help me live a safe life in Jesus Name.
Psalms 143:8 “Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you”
- Oh Lord, let your mercy continue to speak for me upon my household and every of my endeavours in Jesus Name.
Lamentations 3:23 “Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning”
- Oh Lord, help me and guide me to be diligent with my health, work, profession, business in Jesus Name.
Ecclesiastes 11:6 “Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both”
- Oh Lord, I rebuke every evil report of the doctor concerning my health in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I destroy every plan of the devil to make me receive evil reports concerning my health in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I decree that my life will always operate in perfect health in Jesus Name.
- My Father guides and protects me and my household against all forms of constipation and diseases in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I decree that I will never be sick in Jesus Name.
- My Father, send your Angels to keep watch over me and my health against all forms of constipation and diseases in Jesus Name.
- My Father always renews my health and my strength every day in Jesus Name.
- My Father, cause your face to shine upon me and my health in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, consume by fire every demonic headquarters planning to sponsor demonic sickness and constipation into my life in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I decree that I will never be hospitalised in Jesus Name.
- My Father uprooted every spiritual plant of constipation in my body system in Jesus Name.
- My Father, arise in your might and consume by fire every evil plant of constipation in my body system in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, heal my body system of every form of constipation and diseases in Jesus Name.
- My Father, visit me today with your mighty hands of strength in Jesus Name.
- My Father uprooted every altar of every form of constipation in Jesus Name.
- My Father, dry up by fire every spiritual plant of constipation, sicknesses and infirmities in my body system in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, release your Angels of safe health to visit me today in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, build your wall of protection and fortification around me against any forms of constipation in Jesus Name.
- My Father, remove every arrow of constipation from my life and dry them up in Jesus Name.
- My Father, arise and shower your rain of strength upon my life in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, let my health experience total and perfect health in Jesus Name.
- My Father uprooted from the foundation every seed and plant of evil doctor’s reports upon my health in Jesus Name
- My Father, release your fire to consume every form of constipation and diseases in my body system in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I decree that I will never contract constipation or diseases in Jesus Name.
- My Father, make me a person of perfect health in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I decree that I and my household will never receive any evil reports from the doctor in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, cause the Spirit of healing and perfect health.
- I rebuke any form of constipations in Jesus Name
- I begin to operate in perfect health in Jesus Name.
- My life and family will be safe from constipation in Jesus Name