Servant Of God That Passes Through Evil Plot In The Bible

Servant Of God That Passes Through Evil Plot In The Bible

Servant Of God That Passes Through Evil Plot In The Bible

KEY SCRIPTURES: Psalms 21:11; Isaiah 54:15-17

Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”

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When we talk about plot, it means a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot to overthrow the government. This is done to kill innocent people producing or threatening sorrow, distress, injury, or calamity. Servants of God are those people who have dedicated their lives to serve God, totally committed and dependent on God, to proclaim the words and revelation of God to the congregation and to guide the people in the ways of God. Servants of God are meant to give the laws of God to the people in the bible and ensure the people didn’t go against the laws and commandment of God. Due to these duties of a servant of God, there will often arise individuals or groups of people that will gather to dispute the sayings of the servant of God. Once they start rebelling against the servant of God, they end up plotting evil schemes that will either kill the servant of God or hurt the servant of God. Most times, God often shields his servants by revealing to them the evil plots targeted against them. God is very lovely and faithful to his beloved and he won’t allow them to suffer any harm which will ruin the plans and purpose of their callings. 

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Though we have some servants of God that allow fears to set in when they are being plotted against, God no longer always strengthens his own. In this article, we will make mention of some servant of God that passed through an evil plot in the Bible.

  1. MORDECAI: Mordecai was the uncle of Queen Esther which God used to raise her in a godly way. He was a servant of God in a strange land who helped to report the evil intention to kill the King. Since he didn’t pay reverence to a man called Haman because all reverence must be to God, he was hated by Haman. Haman spread hatred to his kinsmen who were living in that land and himself together with his wife and friends, plotted evil against Mordecai by building gallows to hang him and even proceeded in making the King sign a decree to kill all the Jews at a particular time of the year. God came through for him through fasting and prayers, giving Queen Esther the wisdom on how to present the matter to the King. At the end, the evil plotted by Haman backfired and he was hanged on the gallows he built, and Mordecai with all the Jews were saved.
  2. JEREMIAH: Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, a Levitical priest, was a servant of God who was called right from the womb to pronounce God’s judgment on the people that were existing during his times and to rebuke them for their wickedness. He was more concerned about the false worship done by the people and the fact that God is not allowed to be involved in their country’s affairs. He denounced social injustices but not so much as some previous prophets, such as Amos and Micah. Jeremiah is a faithful servant of God even though initially he tried to resist God’s call on his life when he was called at age 17 but always obeyed God when God gave him strong words to the people. He has a tender heart and his message always consists of warnings and hope. Jeremiah was turned against by his family and his message from God was rejected by the people. His message aroused great hostility and death threats, especially in his native city, Anathoth (Jeremiah 11:21). Even his own relatives conspired against him and betrayed him (Jeremiah 12:6). 

Due to his prophecies, some prince in Jeremiah 38:1-6, gathered an evil plot against him, obtained the king’s approval to arrest Jeremiah for prophesying disaster. These men then lowered Jeremiah by ropes into a dungeon which had no water, and he sank into a layer of mud. Jeremiah was later rescued by Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian, one of the eunuchs of the King before he starved to death and taken to prison. He remained in prison until Jerusalem was taken.

3. NEHEMIAH: Nehemiah, the son of Hachaliah, who was among those taken as captive from Jerusalem into a strange country in Persia was the cupbearer of King Artaxerxes in Shushan palace. When he heard about the broken walls of Jerusalem from his brethren that came to visit him, wept and interceded for the Israelites to be restored back to Jerusalem. He knew that the lack of repairing the wall showed people feared men and not God. Receiving the bad news became a call for Nehemiah, a challenge to bring change that would glorify God. God answered his prayers and he obtained favor from the King who gave him permission to travel and helped write letters to the governors beyond the rivers to allow him to pass to Jerusalem. 

When Nehemiah and his escort arrived in Jerusalem, their return aroused the enmity of Sanballat and his allies because he had come to seek the welfare of the children of Israel. When Nehemiah was building the walls of Jerusalem, Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem came together and devised an evil plot thereby calling Nehemiah to a meeting which was meant to kill him, Nehemiah rejected this evil meeting four times. Sanballat after the fourth time Nehemiah rejected the evil meeting of death, sent a blackmailing letter to Nehemiah to robe him of evil allegations but Nehemiah refused seeing him. They sent a man to deceive Nehemiah into the temple telling him to hide that certain people wanted to kill him so that they could kill him while hiding in the temple, but he also escaped their evil plot. God helped Nehemiah to escape all the attacks to his life and helped him to finish building the walls of Jerusalem. God used Nehemiah to bring back the children of Israel and reconciled them back to God.



Different servants of God have passed through evil plots, but God is always in the habit of rescuing them from the hands of the enemies. God will never allow his faithful stewards to suffer from evil plots. As Christians, we have been called to uphold the gospel in righteousness and purity of heart. One should never be afraid of speaking the undiluted truth when sent by God no matter the caliber of people one is sent to. God is a respecter of no man, and we are to dutifully obey and serve God without fearing what the enemies can do because God has already overcome the world. We are only to fear and revere God who can keep save one’s body and soul from damnation. 

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