Short Confession Prayers For My Children

Short confession prayers for my children

Short Confession Prayers For My Children

Ecclesiastes 12:1-2

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

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2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:

The word of God says children are the heritage of God, as arrows are in the hands of the warrior, so are children (Psalm 127:3-v4)

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As parents, we have the duty to raise our children in such a way that their daily lives will be pleasing to God.

One of the effective ways of preparing our children to live their lives in a way that is pleasing to God and that Is worthy of emulation, is to teach them how to pray.

Prayer helps children connect better with God, prayer helps children maintain a good relationship as well as building their faith in God.

However, depending on the ages of the children, saying lengthy prayers may sound quite boring and confusing to the children, so it’s best to start with confession prayers.

Through these short confession prayers for my children, you can effectively teach your children how to say short prayers in order to keep communicating with God morning, afternoon and night.

After taking these prayers often, your children will be quite educated on how to communicate with God, even when you are absent.

Let’s proceed to the short confession prayers for my children

Short Confession Prayers For My Children

  1. Oh Father I thank you for your love upon me, my parent and my siblings, we can see your love in our lives, blessed be your name Lord
  2. Father I thank you for abiding with us during the times of our challenges and difficulties, all glory to you in Jesus name
  3. Lord I thank you for helping dad and mum through these years to stay together in love, joy and peace, blessed be your name Lord
  4. Father I thank you for my siblings, thank you for the success they have recorded in their academics, please receive my Thanksgiving in Jesus name
  5. Oh Lord I believe that you have great plans for me and my family, please let those plans come to pass in Jesus name!
  6. Oh Lord I ask that you help me to fulfill your plans for my plan in Jesus name
  7. Lord in all ways I have been stubborn against the instructions of dad and mom please forgive me in Jesus name
  8. Lord in all ways, I have been disobedient against that your voice that keeps correcting me in my heart, please forgive me and help me to be a better person in Jesus name
  9. Lord I ask that you help me to remain focused in my studies in Jesus name
  10. Because the Lord Jesus is with me, I decree that I am working in great wisdom, understanding, and excellence in Jesus name
  11. I decree that I shall be the head and not the tail in all my endeavors in school, at church and in the house, in Jesus name
  12. In the name of Jesus Christ, wherever I go I shall shine the light of Christ
  13. I command that I am not a mediocre, I am working in the steps of Jesus Christ, as Christ made impact, I shall also make impact in life in Jesus name
  14. As the Word of God says concerning me, indeed I am a royal priesthood and a holy nation one who the Lord has called to fulfill great purposes on earth in Jesus name
  15. I am working in abundance and great wisdom, I reject lack and shame in Jesus mighty name 
  16. I decree that i am free from all sickness and evil in the mighty name of Jesus
  17. I align my life with the will of God for my life in Jesus name
  18. I receive special grace for excellence in all that I do, in Jesus name
  19. I decree that I am totally made for greatness, and I shall be great Indeed in Jesus name.
  20. According to the Word of God, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil in Jesus name
  21. I decree that my family dwelling under the refuge of God almighty, decree Satan and his weapon shall not harm us.
  22. As a child of God, I am walking with godly friends, I receive grace to keep the right company everywhere I go in Jesus name
  23. I decree that my siblings and I are God’s heritage and we shall truly have results that will make God happy in Jesus name
  24. As children my siblings and I shall not be afraid of the dark again, i decree boldness for us all in Jesus name
  25. I receive excellence and huge success in whatever career myself and my siblings choose in the nearest future in Jesus name
  26. I cover my family in the blood of Jesus Christ, and I decree that we are hidden from every snare of the Fowler and the perilous pestilence in Jesus name.
  27. In this period of great wickedness, my siblings and I are divinely protected against all satanic attack in Jesus name
  28. My siblings and I shall be safe from all attacks and the plans of the wicked shall not touch us in Jesus name
  29. Father I thank you for you have heard and answered my prayers
  30. Lord, I thank you for my family that you will continue to hear us in Jesus name.


If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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