Signs Of The Second Coming Of Christ

Signs Of The Second Coming Of Christ

Signs Of The Second Coming Of Christ


1 Thessalonians 5:13

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May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelations 22:12

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Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

Mathew 24:42

Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.


Jesus promised us that he is coming back again to take the righteous home, it was stated that some will die while some will be alive to witness His second coming in the sky. Howbeit, He has told us that, before he comes back, there will be signs we should look out for.

Therefore, in our article today we will be looking at biblical signs of the second coming of Christ.

The signs of the second coming of Christ can be found in the book of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 which says:

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 

DIFFICULTY: The first sign of the second coming of Christ that was stated in this passage was times of difficulty. Things are going to be more difficult; it is obvious this is our experiences now; things are becoming more difficult, and everyone is becoming tensed and stressed up. This is one of the signs of second coming of Christ and we should be more prepared to receive His second coming.

SELFISHNESS: This is another sign of second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we can notice that selfishness is the order of the day now, leaders no longer care for their followers, they are only concerned about their own well beings and neglecting their followers. Everyone is seeking self-interest rather looking out for others. Even in a family father is selfish, considering himself over the family, people hurts one another because of self-interest, this is one of the signs of the second coming of Christ. People will be so heartless to do anything cause of selfish interests.

PRIDE AND ARROGANCY: Another sign we should look out for is pride and arrogancy, the bible made it clear to us that, when the coming of our Lord Jesus is drawing near, many people will be unteachable, that is, they will be so proud and arrogant that they will not regard anyone anymore. A proud person will be abusive and without self-control, his pride will control him and thereby leads to destruction, this is one the signs of the second coming of Christ. 

DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENT: A lot of children will be disobedient to their parents, elderly people, and disobedient to the words of God. Children will go all out to do what is contrary to the will of their parents and God, they will join bad gangs to do evil, smoking, drugs, fornications, robberies and all manner of evil will be carried out by them which is against God and their parents. This is one of the signs of the second coming of Christ.

LOVERS OF MONEY: We must have noticed that loving money over one another and even God is invoked now, worshiping money and idolizing money in every way. People go as far as killing one another to do money rituals and get blood money. People rubs, they lies, they dupe one another just to get money. This is one of the signs that Jesus told us to look out for.

NATION AGAINST NATION: Another sign of the second coming of Christ, is nation will rise against nation, nations will start hating one another and nations to nations discriminations and fights will start so also kingdom against kingdom. It is happening already, where nations are already shutting down their hands of friendship and family against one another. This is one of the signs Jesus said will take place before His second coming.

FAMINES: AND EARTHQUAKES: These signs are also part of the signs we should look out for, it is obvious we are in the last days, things are becoming harder to get because of increase in standard of living thereby gradually moving towards famine, we can hear of earthquakes happening in some countries, these are parts of the signs of second coming of Christ. This can be found in the book of Matthew 24:7.

WARS: There will be rumors of wars and there will be wars in some countries, which are already happening, wars are already looming in some countries, these are also signs of the second coming of Christ. 

LAWLESSNESS: Lawlessness will increase, people will start doing whatever seems pleasing to them without thinking of the outcome. People’s love will grow cold towards God and to people around them, thereby hating one another. This is one of the signs of the second coming of Christ.

FAKE PROPHETS WILL ARISE: Many will be led astray as a result of rising of fake prophets, they will lead people astray and teach them wrong doctrines, they will preach in the name of God and pretend to be sent by God, they will share false prophesies and lie in the name of God, thereby, misleading people and leading them to destructions. This is one of the signs of the second coming of Christ.

PESTILENCES AND DISEASES: Another is sign is, more pestilences and diseases will ravage the world, recently we experienced Corona virus, no one ever believed such could happened, the diseases was so great that it shut the whole world down, no one could go out to do anything. These are warnings to us that the second coming of Christ is nigh.

FAITH FAILING: Fear will be order of the day, people’s faith in God will diminish and wax cold, people will give up on God because of the situations around them and people will devote themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings. This is one of the signs of the second coming of Christ.

THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM WILL BE PROCLAIMED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD: This is another sign of the second coming of Christ, the gospel of Christ will reach the whole world, there will be no single person that will say he or she has never heard of Christ, although they may not believe in the gospel, but they will surely hear of it, this is one of the signs that Jesus Christ will soon come back again. He did this, to give everyone chance to give their lives to Him, so that on the judgment day, no one can stand and say he or she did not hear of the gospel.

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