The Importance Of God’s Mercy In A Christian Life


The Importance Of God’s Mercy In A Christian Life

KEY SCRIPTURES: Luke 6:36; Hebrews 4:16

Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

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Mercy can be defined as compassionate treatment of those in distress, especially when it is in one’s power to harm or punish them. It can be described as an act of showing forgiveness and kindness to someone. Mercy is also the ability to overlook an offence and give someone a second chance. In the christian faith, it can be referred to as giving to the needy, caring for the sick or poor. Mercy involved showing compassion or being lenient in judgement to an offender. Mercy is very important in the life of a Christian because we are born sinners and doomed for hell, but God’s compassion redeemed us by sending his son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins and make us purity and fit for His kingdom. Mercy is beyond forgiveness and withholding punishment as well because God can show mercy to a Christian in diverse ways like showing healing comfort to those that are ill, care for those that have been oppressed etc. Mercy is a characteristic of the One True God, and it reflects God’s love for his creation. After the fall of man at the garden of Eden, there was no way to come boldly to the presence of God but Jesus’ death on the cross, defeating death, opened access to God for us. With prayers, meditating on the word of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit, born again Christian merited fresh new mercy. Mercy is God’s gift to a repentant heart.

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God’s mercy is very important in the life of a christian because it shows God is intentional about the person and it also connotes that he wanted the Christian to enjoy the dividend of his goodness. God’s mercy in a christian life is very important because it shows his personality and his tenderheartedness towards us. Praying for God’s mercy as a believer is very important because with God’s mercy, a lot can be achieved in the life of that believer. God chooses whom he wants to show mercy. That is why we must desire to be a partaker of God’s mercy in order to have a well-balanced Christian life. In this article, the importance of God’s mercy in a Christian life will be discussed.

  1. IT BRINGS FAVOUR FROM MEN Psalms 37:25-26

The first importance of God’s mercy in the life of a Christian is that it makes the journey of a Christian with his fellow men easy, it produces favour for that christian in the sight of men and everything he needs to be successful will be released unto him once the resources are with men. His ways and lifestyle will be pleasing to people and men will rise to help the person as at when due. God’s mercy guarantees that men will not look down on a believer but will help him to achieve God’s given purpose of his existence.


God’s mercy in the life of a Christian prevents attacks and delivers from the hands of the enemies. With God’s mercy, there is assurance that no oppression of the enemy can stand in a Christian’s life, God will always make a way of escape for his beloved. Deliverance from all principalities and powers are subdued when mercy is working in a Christian’s life. No negativity can operate in such life surrounded by God’s mercy.


Gods’ mercy in the life of a Christian brings life and honour. Living in righteousness and purity is not difficult in such a Christian life because God’s mercy is available to sustain. With God’s mercy, honour from God and men are made available for that Christian. God’s mercy prevents disgrace and sin doesn’t have power over such life because the Holy Spirit is there to guide such Christian.


Another importance of God’s mercy in the life of a Christian is that he provides abundant blessings to such Christian. God’s mercy takes away lack and penury from such Christian and guides the Christian on principles of how to make good investments that will heed great wealth leading to abundant blessings. God’s mercy in the life of a Christian drives away failure and guides towards means and ways to achieve blessings with sorrow.


God’s mercy preserves a Christian in all aspects of life’s challenges. It brings about breakthroughs in all hurdles encountered in a Christian’s life Journey. With God’s mercy operational in a Christian’s life, it will be easy to face obstacles and overcome them. Breaking through all oppression from all sorts of challenges that will try to pull one down is guaranteed and assurance that you have a God that never failed also smoothened one’s life during those dark periods.


God’s mercy in the life of a Christian helps to build the attitude of seeing other needs and helps to cultivate the desire to help them. This attitude tends to promote and add to the kingdom of God here on earth. It helps us to be lenient to others and forgiving towards our fellow men. It also helps us to be pure and bold to go to the throne of grace and receive God’s graciousness. God’s mercy helps us not to be judgmental but wise in all things. It activates the spirit of patience in the life of a Christian.


God’s mercy brings regeneration to the life of a Christian and through this, a Christian obtains unqualified blessing, joy, salvation, miracles, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and lastly the guarantee of eternal life in heaven. God’s mercy renews the heart and mind of a Christian daily.



The mercy of God is very important in the life of a Christian and can’t be overemphasized. Without it, life can be so meaningless and hard for a Christian in this present world where iniquities and wickedness are on the high level. A Christian must pray earnestly to be shown mercy by God because its operational role in a Christian’s life will bring about success in all areas of life, even untimely death is avoided through God’s mercy.


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