The Importance Of Spiritual Gifts As Christians

The Importance Of Spiritual Gifts As Christians

The Importance Of Spiritual Gifts As Christians


Joel 2:28

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And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

James 1:17

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Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.


  • Spiritual gifts are the gifts God gives to every believer to get the works of the ministry done. Spiritual gifts can also be called the works of the Holy Spirit which is at work in every child of God, they are given freely to every believer as God pleases, spiritual gifts are not given based on works or abilities, it is given as God pleases and planned it to be. Spiritual gifts vary, we have 
  • Speaking of words of knowledge.
  • Gifts of Faith.
  • Gifts of healings.
  • Gifts of signs and miracles.
  • Gifts of Prophecy.
  • Distinguishing between spirits.
  • Speaking in diverse tongues.

In our article today, we will be looking at the importance of Spiritual gifts as Christians. No doubt, Spiritual gifts have so much importance to the carrier and to the beneficiaries. Therefore, we have listed seven importance of Spiritual gifts as Christians.

Seven Importance of Spiritual gifts:

  1. Spiritual gift brings about maturity in the ministry and in your walk with God: Ones a Christian understands or identifies his or her Spiritual gifts he or she possesses, it brings about maturity both spiritually and physically, what should offend you naturally will not move you anymore, this is the power of Spiritual gift at work in a Christian. Maturity is not in age; it is about the power of the Holy Spirit at work in a Christian through the Spiritual gift. 
  2. Understanding of God’s words: When a Christian is filled with the spiritual gift, he or she will live in the light of the words of God. Possessing a Spiritual gift brings more understanding of the words of God to the carrier, while the receivers or the beneficiaries get blessed too. Understanding the words of God strengthens the faith of the believers thereby, leading to miraculous acts, signs and wonders of God’s power and this leads to expansion of God’s Kingdom. 
  3. Gives foresight: Spiritual gift gives foresight. Another great importance of Spiritual gifts is seeing into the future, just like catching a glimpse of what is going to happen in the future, we can call it revelation. God reveals Himself to any believer who has a Spiritual gift of Prophecy. The person sees into the future which helps in walking in God’s will and purpose for one’s life, and also prevents a believer from falling into errors and mistakes that can be avoided once the end of a thing or an event has been revealed from the beginning.
  4. Expands God’s kingdom: Another great importance of Spiritual gifts is, it brings progress and expansion to the kingdom of God. People tend to believe in what they can see and feel, that is, people want to see evidence or proof that God exists. When there are signs, wonders, miracles, and healings, there will be a great and massive expansion. A lot of people need healing, financial breakthroughs and many more miracles, people therefore, goes to where they know they can be healed, and delivered. This brings about expansion to the kingdom of God and depopulating the kingdom of darkness.
  5. Helps to see through God’s eyes. Seeing through God’s eyes is another importance of Spiritual gifts. A carnal mind cannot see through God’s eyes, that is why it is easy and natural for them to be acting in an ungodly manner and not believe that God exists and He is seeing them. Seeing through God’s eyes can only happens if one has a Spiritual gift, God is love, He loved us even before we were created, even while we err He still loved us, selfishness is natural to man but because of the Holy Spirit in us, we tend to show compassion to one another through God’s love in us which will be difficult for any one that does not have the Holy Spirit.
  6. It expands the growth of the church spiritually: Spiritual gift brings boldness in the body of Christ and also brings about spiritual growth. The works of the Spiritual gifts in every Christian brings about spiritual growth, the Christian can fast without being forced, can pray fervently with the evidence of speaking in diverse tongues, can hear clearly from God, can study the words of God day in day out, understanding the words and not just reading it, can preaches the words of God to the unsaved without being ashamed, can have strong faith to lay hands on  the sick and many more works of the ministry which is not limited to serving in church but anywhere the Christian find himself or herself.
  7. Spiritual gifts help to understand God’s plan and purposes for one’s life: Spiritual gift in a Christian gives clarity of what every believer is being created for. Knowing God’s plan and purposes for one’s life is the key to living a fulfilled and a successful life. A Christian that desires to fulfil his or her purposes in life must know and understands the purpose of his or her existence hence, this can not be done by normal or natural decision, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that will bring this to a reality and make one knows one’s calling and purpose in life. Therefore, the possession of Spiritual gifts in a Christian will make the Christian know his or her calling, and also make it become a reality through spiritual guidance and direction. Psalm 23:1 says’ The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. The Lord leads every Christian, through the power of the Spiritual gifts at work in us.

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