What Are The Hindrances To Prayers
KEY SCRIPTURES: Psalms 37:3-4
Psalms 37:3-4 “Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shall you dwell in the land, and verily you shall be fed. 4 “Delight yourself also in the LORD: and he shall give you the desires of yours heart.”
Prayer is deep communication between God, the creator and mankind, the creature. We are told as Christians from the scripture that we should pray always but we need to pray with the right motive in mind. Often, Christians prayed and even fasted, but no solution or answer was forthcoming. If the prayers rendered to God by Christians are for selfish motives driven by pride in their hearts, God will not answer them. God has some guidelines he has given us as Christians and if they are not adhered to, these can be hindrances to prayers.
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Subscribe NowThe hindrances need to be explained because some Christians have backslidden when God is not forthcoming with answers to their prayers thereby forgetting to check themselves to know if they are truly following the set guidelines to answered prayers. Some Christians pray with fear in their heart and even doubt the sovereignty of God on such matters even before they start praying, all these should be avoided because to pray to God means we totally depend on him for all things. Philippians 4:19. This article will list some hindrances to prayers and how best to avoid them to enjoy getting answers to prayers always.
- UNCONFESSED SIN: Psalms 66:18
When there are hidden sins or unconfessed sins, or evil thoughts within you, these can hinder answers to prayers. We need to be pure and holy to approach the throne of God because the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God. As Christians, before we approach God in prayers, we should be sure of a clean heart, confess all sins and not go back to them again so that the unconfessed sins won’t be a hindrance to your prayers.
- UNFORGIVENESS: Matthew 5:23-24; 18:21-22
The bible categorically stated that before you approach the altar of God, all wrongs, debt and offenses between you and anyone must be reconciled. If as Christians, we approach the altar of God with unforgiveness, it is an act of disobedience to God’s commandment and such an act of prayer or giving done at that moment will not be accepted by God. This is a hindrance to prayers too. God forgave us our sins so we should do away with bitter hearts and embrace more of a forgiving spirit.
Prayers rendered to God for selfish purposes and lust will not be answered by God. Covetousness can be a hindrance to prayer. Pray with the right motive and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the right kind of prayers for every situation. Pray more for others than praying for selfish reasons to fulfil sinful desires.
- DOUBT: James 1:6-8; Hebrews 11:6
Lack of faith makes prayers have no power. When you pray to God, it means you trust and depend on him but doubt and fear of the situation or the reason for praying instead of fully depending on God can render such prayer powerless. We need to develop a strong faith when we approach God in prayers. When you doubt God, you limit him in your life, and you can’t hear from him or receive his gifts. God deserves our unwavering trust when we pray to him.
When you turn away from hearing the word of God or ministry from God does not move you to repentance again or you neglect to meditate on the word but only pray to God when you face challenges or difficulties. These can be a hindrance to prayers. No usage of scriptural backing during prayers too can hinder answers to prayers. When your relationship with God is on the low, hearing from God can be very difficult even when he is speaking to you, and this can hinder prayers because God has given the answer to the prayers, but you have neglected the medium to hear the answers he provided.
Lack of persistence in continuous coming to the altar of God with our prayers can hinder prayers from being answered. Jesus Christ taught us as Christians to be persistence in praying to God, but if we fail to do this might hinder prayers too.
- DISOBEDIENCE: 1 John 3:21-23
Not obeying the laws and the will of God can hinder prayers. You can’t be following your own attitude and ways and expect pleasing things from God. As Christians, if you want your prayers to be answered, you need to do away with things that cause disobedience to the commandments of God. Remember the law says you are to love God and others, if you are not doing all these, your prayers can be hindered.
- IDOLS IN THE HEART: Exodus 20:3
When you love someone more than God or fulfill God’s will, you spend more time on something than spend it with God, making the thing more important than God. You have already created an idol in your heart, and these can hinder prayers. All your desires must be centered on God and his ways so that prayers won’t be hindered. God hates idolatry so we must do away with all idols and give him complete devotion and control over our lives for an effective prayer life.
The bible admonished couples to always settle every conflict in the family as this can hinder the couple’s prayers either individually or together. Husbands are asked to live with their wives with knowledge and honour them as well, and if all these are not done can hinder the couple’s prayers.
God is a loving God and always ready to answer prayers done with the right motives. When his principles are upheld, he releases his resources and product to mankind. God will never bring himself down to give his product when his principles are violated. When prayers are hindered, check yourself and see if you have not violated any of his principles. Correct all personal faults and draw closer to God and all hindrances to answered prayers will be removed.