10 Signs God Will Answer Your Prayers

10 Signs God Will Answer Your Prayers

10 Signs God Will Answer Your Prayers

NTRODUCTION: Prayer is simply defined as talking to God. Prayer is talking to God about our desires, as many as they are in expectation that He will grant them.

The Bible according to Matthew 7:7 encourages us to ” ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be open unto you”

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In another scripture, Ephesians 3:20 we were told “God is able to do exceedingly above all we ask or think according to the power that walketh in us”

Now scriptures like these are strengthen our faith that when we pray (talk to God) He is ever willing to answer us, even beyond what we ask

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Asides the confidence we have from His words that He will hear us, there are other signs to know that God will answer your prayers and we shall be considering them now

10 Signs God Will Answer Your Prayers

1 ) Asking with the right motive – James 4:3

“And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong, you only want what will give you pleasure”

A right motive is a very crucial key to receiving answers from God. Going to God with a right motive is first a sign that God will answer your prayers. People who go to God with a wrong motive will never receive anything from God. Why? God is a God of right intents. He looks at our hearts. The reason why we want what we want. Even though our mouths may say all the right things, God is more concerned about our intentions more than what we profess with our mouth. We must therefore ensure that our profession matches our intentions. For this is the first sign that God will answer your prayers.

Praying with the wrong motive such as seeking our own pleasure will get us no where with God. Some desire good things like wealth to oppress their neighbours. Some ask to hurt others. Some ask to mock others. Some ask to pride in themselves. Some ask for pride and ego sake. When we ask for these motives, because God knows our hearts, we will not receive anything from Him

So, when you ask God for anything come with the intention of glorifying God and not your own self or selfish interest.

2) Ask Believing That You Will Receive – Mark 11:23,24

“I tell you, you can pray for anything and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours”

This is another sign that God will answer your prayers. Praying believing that you will receive whatever you are asking for. God wants us to believe in our hearts that whatever we ask will be granted unto us even while we are yet speaking

James 1:6,7 says “But when you ask God, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person that wavers is as unsettled as the wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord”.

From the two scriptures, we see that as believers we can ask ANYTHING of the Lord and receive but we don’t just receive, we receive on the condition that our Faith is in God ALONE. If our faith is solidly hinged on God without doubts in our hearts then we are sure to receive all that we ask or think exceedingly and abundantly.

If you go asking God thinking that He may answer you or not, you miss out from receiving from God.

3) Asking According To His Wil- l John 5:14

” this is the confidence that we have towards Him that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”

Asking according to God’s will is a sign that God will answer our prayers. You may ask “what is God’s will?” .God will is that He is lifted high so that all men can be drawn unto Him. His will is that all men see His glory in all area of our lives so that lives can be drawn to Him. That is the will of God.

If you pray according to His will, which is to ensure that He is glorified in your life, marriage, business and career, He will answer your prayers. All God seeks from us on earth is that all we do radiate His glory. If we ask for the purpose of radiating His glory then we are sure that our prayers will be answered.

Ask according to God’s will. Ask according to His purpose. And you shall receive all that you ask. Asking for selfish reasons will never get us anything from God.

4) Ask In Humility – 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land”

Humility is another sign to know your prayers will be answered. God, many times in the scripture showed his dislike for proud people. In fact, to prove his dislike, He said He will exalt the humble and will bring down the proud. Imagine going to God in humility, that means he will automatically exalt you by granting your desires. Anyone who will receive anything from God must approach Him in humility. We must put pride far away from us else we will not receive anything from Him at all.

God said He will hear from heaven when we seek Him in humility and not in pride. Be sure that you put away pride when you approach God. If you do, then you have a sure sign that God will answer your prayers. If you are proud, ask God to give you the spirit of humility.

5) Turning from Wickedness – 2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Turning from our evil ways and wickedness of our hearts is a sure sign that God will answer your prayers. God Hayes wickedness and He is never open to the prayers of a wicked man. God is kind and full of compassion. Those who will approach Him must approach Him in goodness of heart. If your heart is full of evil and your works full of wickedness you stand at lost because God will not hear your prayers.

God gives answers to those who will seek Him in cleanliness of heart and mind. Remember ” who you shall ascend unto the Holy hills of the Lord or who shall dwell in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and pure heart….”

A clean hands and pure heart is a criteria for even standing before God how much more receiving anything from Him. So before you come to stand before God in prayers at all, be sure that your hands and hearts are totally free of all forms of wickedness and evil. It is only on this premise that our prayers will be answered.

6) Asking without sin – Psalm 66:18

“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear”

When we harbour sin in our hearts, it becomes difficult for God to answer us. God hates sin and sin will always stand as a barrier between us and God.

When approaching the throne of grace to make our request known unto God, we must go with clean hearts without sin. We must appear before God in cleanliness of heart and mind. Never allow your sin stand as a barrier between you and God. This is why it is good to confess our sins first before we begin to make our requests known unto God.

“His eyes are not blind that he cannot see us neither are his ears deaf that he can not hear us nor are His hands shortened that He cannot reach out unto us but our sins have separated us from Him”

Sin hinders God from coming to our aid. We must put away sin from us to receive God’s help.

7) Keeping offences in our hearts – Matthew 5:23

Jesus said if you bring your gift to the altar and you remember that you have a thing against your brother, he said you should leave the gift at the altar and go and settle with your brother first.

Offering gifts of worship, praises, kind deeds or service to God when we have a grudge against anyone is never going to make God answer us.

We must ensure that our hearts are free from grudges, malice and offences before we come to seek God’s face in prayers for all we want. We must put away grudge and uncleanliness from us so that we can receive from God. Gifts or prayers rendered in offences will get no answer from God.

A sure sign that God will answer therefore is to put offences and grudges far from us.

8 ) Following and Believing in God’s Words – John 15:7

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you shall ask whatever you wish and it shall be done unto you”

When asking God for anything, we must hold on to His words for our lives. All of God’s words are true and we come to pass if we hold on to them. The Bible teaches us that God honours His word more than His name. God respects His word and His words will never fail. If we therefore hold on to God’s words and OBEY His words, we are sure to receive from God.

We must not only hold on to His words, we must OBEY and FOLLOW His words. Has He given us an instruction to follow, a commandment to obey or a promise to look forward to? We must ensure that we follow and obey all to the latter so that we can receive all that we ask from Him.

Praying to get results from God without wanting to do His word and obey His commands is praying in vain. God will do anything for those who has interest in obeying His commandments.

9) Truthfulness to God – Psalm 145:18

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on him in truth”.

Only those who seek God in spirit and in truth shall find Him. To seek God in truth is to come before Him in all sincerity of heart without any iota of hypocrisy or pretence in us. We must ensure that our Spirit is in tune with the truth in our hearts.

“God is spirit and those who will seek Him must seek Him knowing that He sees our hearts and He knows if we are sincere with Him or not.

We must be open to Him. Not hiding anything from Him. We must come in clear conscience so that we can receive from Him.

10) Patience – Psalm 40:1

“I waited patiently for the Lord, He inclined unto me and heard my cry”

To get our prayers answered, we must be patient. God is God and He will always hear us but He has a perfect time for everything because He is all knowing.

If you have prayed and asked God for something be aware that God may not grant your request immediately but He definitely will.

God is all knowing and He knows what is best for us. He will never give us anything that would hurt us. If God has promised to bless you, He will but it may not be at the time you want it. Hence, the need for patience.

Without patience we will receive nothing from God. So after we have prayed, we must be patient with God till the answers come to a physical manifestation. Yes, God answers all prayers but has a perfect time to make them manifest in our lives.

Be patient and wait for God as He prepares to come through for you at the appointed time. Patience is a sign that you will receive from from God.

Be patient.

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