104 Benefit Of Speaking And Praying In Tongues

104 Benefit Of Speaking And Praying In Tongues


104 Benefit Of Speaking And Praying In Tongues

In 1 Corinthians 14:2, Paul says we are speaking mysteries. Paul made it clear that his revelation of the mysteries of God came through the Spirit. (I Corinthians 2:10). When we pray in tongues, our spirits are praying (I Corinthians. 14:14) through the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4; Jude 20). Normally our understanding is unfruitful (I Corinthians 14:14) when we pray in tongues, but we can change that by praying for the interpretation. The way this works is that as we speak in tongues and believe for the interpretation, revelation knowledge comes. This might be insight into some truth of God that we are pondering, or godly insight into some situation that we are praying about.

God has given us this gift. He has given us this language to use. He added it in to the New Covenant for a purpose, not just to be a redundant side part.

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

It has powerful benefits to your spiritual life when used consistently. Many things can be done through praying in tongues that cannot be achieved any other way. If we neglect speaking in tongues in our prayer lives, we will miss out on an entire realm of prayer that God has for the believer.

I am convinced that if we would spend more time praying in tongues, as individuals and in our church prayer meetings, we would experience more results in prayer, greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and more of the move of the Holy Spirit in and through us. These benefits of tongues are worth it.

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Praying in tongues strengthens your spirit. It empowers your spirit to do exploits like Jesus.
Praying in tongues causes your spirit to grow to maturity. You become more like Jesus if you pray more in tongues.
Praying in tongues delivers you from stagnancy, demonic prisons , limitations and cages. It causes you to progress well in life.
Praying in tongues makes you perform at your very best. The Holy Spirit energizes your gifts and talents 100%.
Praying in tongues stops the attacks of the enemy in advance before they can be launched.
Praying in tongues causes you to have a deeper love for the Lord and for people.
Praying in tongues can help you understand and fulfill your purpose and destiny from God.
Praying in tongues will cause the miraculous and testimonies to be common in your life.
Praying in tongues brings rest and refreshing to your soul.
Praying in tongues fills your life with comfort, joy and peace of the Holy Spirit.
Praying in tongues helps you receive God’s very best blessings and gifts for your life.
Praying in tongues fills you with boldness. You will become fearless.

Praying in tongues activates God’s protection against the attacks of the enemy Under the new covenant, God wants you to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and start praying in tongues. When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit reveals secrets in God’s Word and helps you understand new covenant truths
When you pray in tongues, you are walking in the Spirit and possessing more and more of God’s blessings in your life. When you pray in tongues, you enjoy greater intimacy with God. When you pray in tongues privately, the words you speak publicly will carry the power of God. When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit Himself teaches you all things. When you pray in tongues, you will see good success, fruitfulness, and healing.

104 Benefit Of Speaking And Praying In Tongues

1. Tongues is a direct line to talking to God.

2. Tongues is the believer’s direct access to the throne room.

3. Tongues is speaking divine mysteries – divine coded secrets.

4. Tongues is drawing secrets to life’s complicated issues.

5. Tongues is prophesying your God-ordained future.

6. Tongues is praying out God’s plan for your life.

7. Tongues is decreeing the rhema’s of God.

8. Tongues pulls you from the past into the future

9. Tongues helps you to develop your prayer life.

10. Tongues equips you for the wonders of God

11.Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural

12. Tongues are the prayer in the supernatural.

13. Tongues is knowledge, counsel, and secrets withheld from the wicked.

14. Tongues is the entrance into the realm of the spirit, the miraculous zone.

15. Tongues is strengthening your inner man with divine might.

16. Tongues keep you spiritually fit.

17. Tongues is praying out things that have been concealed to be revealed.

18. Tongues is decreeing the Rhema’s of God.

19. Tongues pull you from the past into the future.

20. Tongues is a home improvement and a source of edification.

21. Tongues is building a strong premise to carry out the anointing.

22. Tongues build and stir up your faith.

23. Tongues give you unstoppable progress that your enemies cannot fathom.

24. Tongues is giving praise and Thanksgiving well unto God.

25. Tongues lines you up with the divine will of God.

26. Tongues are speaking the language and the will of God, speaking the heavenly language.

27. Tongues helps to strengthen your weakness

28. Tongues are the ultimate assistance to prayer.

29. Tongues qualify all things to work out for your good.

30. Tongues renders you to be God-inside-minded.

31. Tongues make you miracle-minded.

32. Tongues magnifies God

33. Tongues enlarge your perspective of God’s potency in your life.

34. Tongues give you spiritual refreshing and rest.

35. Tongues homes your sharpness and accuracy in the anointing.

36. Tongues facilitates the entrance into the gifts of the spirit.

37. Tongues equips you for the wonders of God.

38. Tongues is fine-tuning and also sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God.

39. Tongues assists to bring your natural tongue to subjection.

40. Tongues develop more intimacy with the Holy Ghost.

41. Tongues is your private conversation with God.

42. Tongues is deep calling unto deep.

43. Tongues accesses revelation knowledge to your spirit.

44. Tongues helps you tap into the mind of God.

45. Tongues opens the scriptures to you from a divine perspective rather than an intellectual standpoint.

46. Tongues is part of the armor of God, the lance that shoots down the enemies.

47. Tongues cause damages to the kingdom of darkness and put them in utter confusion.

48. Tongues helps you develop your prayer life.

49. Tongues synchronize you with God’s timing: it helps live according to God’s dream for you on the earth.

50. Tongues is alignment with the assignments of God.

51. Tongues is à door of utterance and boldness.

52. Tongues are the holy spirit searching your heart and praying through you, the perfect will of God.

53. Tongues is pulling treasures out of you.

54. Tongues is blowing the ram’s horn for battle.

55. Tongues is the rallying sound of victory.

56. Tongues is releasing angels on heavenly assignments, to change earthly situations.

57. Tongues is a brainstorming session with God.

58. Tongues help you tap into the creativity of Elohim.

59. Tongues overrules and overturns death assignments against your life.

60. Tongues reverse demonic assignments against your well-being.

61. Tongues removes you from stagnation, limitations of the flesh to God’s abundant supply of the spirit.

62. Tongues is making demands upon the power of God.

63. Tongues enable a closer walk with God.

64. Tongues is speaking the hidden truth and wisdom of God.

65. Tongues is the beginning of being led by the holy spirit.

66. Tongues is living supernaturally in a natural world.

67. Tongues open the heavens and charges the atmosphere.

68. Tongues releases the shekinah glory.

69. Tongues is getting drunk on the new wine of the holy ghost.

70. Tongues is pouring in the oil and wine of the holy ghost.

71. Tongues are life-filled words, faith-filled and anointing-filled words.

72. Tongues light the fire of Godin your life.

73. Tongues delivers you from the scourge of the tongues of the enemies.

74. Tongues is unlocking every closed door in your life.

75. Tongues is the beginning and the maintaining of partnership with the holy spirit.

76. Tongues is releasing the word of God to flow in your life.

77. Tongues is the wind in your sail.

78. Tongues unleashes the winds of revival and refreshing in your life.

79. Tongues is refilling empty vessels.

80. Tongues is the spirit-to-spirit communication.

81. Tongues helps you in living effectively in these last days.

82. Tongues is the ignition key to walk in the power of God.

83. Tongues is being endued with power from on high.

84. Tongues is rivers of living water flowing out of you.

85. Tongues is drinking from the river and reservoir of God.

86. Tongues is serving God from your spirit.

87. Tongues enable you to perform your priestly duties.

88. Tongues is building the image of God in yourself.

89. Tongues is expressing, enforcing and declaring God’s will in your life and environs.

90. Tongues is extracting answers from the indwelling spirit to solve life’s problems.

91. Tongue is interceding from your spirit.

92. Tongues is giving your spirit ascendancy and power over your flesh.

93. Tongues aids you to mortify the deeds and evil craving of the flesh.

94. Tongues connects the intercession of the holy ghost with your great high priest.

95. Tongues is the highest form of the prayer of agreement.

96. Tongues is the divine agreement of the prayers of our earthly and heavenly intercessors with the plans of God.

97. Tongues is the threefold cord that will never be broken.

98. Tongues is ministering to yourself, to the Lord, and also to others.

99. Tongues is worshipping the father in spirit and in truth.

100. Tongues charge your spiritual battery.

101. Tongues confuses the counsels of the ungodly and equips you for the wonders of God.

102. Tongues make even the devil afraid of you because he never understands you.

103. Tongues give you ideas in dealing with the affairs of life.

104. Tongues make your ministrations full of impact. Before going out to minister, blast in tongues and watch the movement of the spirit.


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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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