30 Prayers For Couples In Hard Times

30 Prayers For Couples In Hard Times

30 Prayers For Couples In Hard Times

1 Corinthians 13:4 “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things”.

Are you presently going through hard times in your marriage? Have you noticed that little things now upset your partner? Does it seem like you both are gradually losing the joy in your marriage? 

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

Do you often catch yourself silently detesting your partner based on what he or she has done in the past? Do you now find it difficult to forgive your partner when he or she offends you? Or have you been experiencing some financial challenges in your marriage so much that it has now become a struggle for your family to survive on a daily basis?

Do not let your heart be troubled as Jesus Christ said in John 14:1, because there is hope for you and your partner, no matter the kind of challenge you are facing presently, and no matter what the cause of the challenge is, you shall surely be happy, and everything will be fine with you again, as you take 35 prayer points for couples in hard times.

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The Word of God says in John 16:33These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Therefore, tribulations including marital problems are experiences we are bound to face in this world.

However, it is important that we pray always for the success of our marriage, so that when tribulations come, they won’t overwhelm us and so we can always see ways of escape out of the tribulation, as it is written in 1 Corinthians 10:13 “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it”.

Meanwhile, as you pray, also work towards ensuring peace, joy, love and unity in your marriage. Try your best to do what pleases God and your spouse, be united in spirit and let the faith of both of you be active and ready to receive way out from God even as you pray these 30 Prayer Points For Couples In Hard Times


30 Prayer Points For Couples In Hard Times

  1. Oh Lord I thank you for the grace to be married, thank you for placing me in the right home at the right time, blessed be your name in Jesus Mighty Name
  2. Oh Lord I thank you for your mercies over me and my partner, thank you for preserving us, even in the midst of this challenges, blessed be your name Lord.
  3. Father I thank you for not allowing the challenges we are passing through to overwhelm us, thank you for your peace even in the midst of the storm
  4. Lord I ask for your mercy in all ways I have wronged you and my husband, please for give me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  5. Father in all ways I have done wrong against You and my spouse, please let your mercy speak for me, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  6. Lord Jesus please let your mercy purge me and my spouse of every form of bitterness, anger and strife that we may have against each other, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  7. Faithful God I ask that you show up for me and my husband, every root of the challenge we are facing right now, Lord destroy them totally in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  8. Every evil personality that has sworn that we will not enjoy our marriage, Father let them be greatly ashamed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  9. Every incantation and enchantment made against the peace in my marriage, I command the effect of these evil works to go back to it’s sender now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  10. Powers that has vowed to frustrate my husband’s effort in business just because he married me, I command you to be destroyed now by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  11. Every evil gathering done day and night in order to monitor and plan evil against my family, I command such gathering to scatter now and I decree that your counsel shall not stand concerning my family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  12. Evil spirit assigned against me, I command you to catch fire now, and go back to your sender in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  13. Everyone who has vowed that my marriage will not stand the test of time, I decree that your thoughts for us shall turn against you and your household in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  14. Every altar of wickedness sending arrows of division, and frustration into my marriage, I command you to speedily catch fire now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  15. I soak the nook and cranny of my home in the pool of the blood of Jesus Christ, and I decree that the powers of darkness shall no longer have access into the affairs of my home, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  16. Every jealous friend that is silently planning to scatter my marriage, I decree the judgement of God upon you now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  17. I decree that there shall be peace and love in my marriage again, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  18. I receive grace to be calm and patient with my spouse, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  19. I reject every evil thought of divorce and separation that has occupied the heart of my spouse, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  20. I frustrate the token of liars and their evil predictions over my family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  21. I cancel every plan of death made against my husband, and I decree he shall live, he shall not die, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  22. Every evil friend that has influenced my husband wrongly, Lord please by your fire, separate them now, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  23. I decree that my marriage shall be an epitome of the peace, grace, love and joy of the Lord shall not depart from my home in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  24. I receive grace to be very humble in dealing with my spouse, I shall not use my own hand to scatter my marriage in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  25. Every strange woman planning to steal the heart of my husband from me, I decree that your plans shall fail and you shall be greatly ashamed, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  26. I decree that my husband and I shall not work in error and we shall not be victims of other people’s error, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  27. I decree that we shall not invest wrongly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  28. Father please restore unto us all that we have lost in the past years, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  29. Father let new opportunities of great financial blessings arise for my husband and I in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  30. Thank you, Jesus, for answered prayers.


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