God does not just call men into the ministry without a plan to make them grow in the ministry. It is in the plan of God to make us grow in our ministry even beyond our imagination but before that can happen, every minister is expected to live up to the standard of his or her calling and to keep his or her focus on Jesus Christ and press toward the mark of his or her calling. Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”
Ministry does not just grow without an effort, below are the list of things needed to be done to experience ministerial growth and enlargement.
Criteria to Experience Ministerial Growth.
- Prayer: This is the method through which we communicate with God. A minister of God must inculcate the habit of persistent communication with God to experience ministerial growth.
- Faith: This is required of every minister of God before they can access and experience any dimension of growth in their ministry.
- Diligence to Calling: As a minister of God, one important and vital thing to be done is to first identify the kind of calling and his area of calling and to be diligent in it. 2 Peter 1:10
- Obedience to the Will of God: One primary aim of a minister of God is obedience to the Will of God because this is the bedrock and foundation of his or her relationship with God.
- Evangelism: This is the great commission given to all ministers of God, hence for a ministry to experience growth his main focus must be evangelism. The minister must possess the passion for lost souls and win then for Christ. Mark 16:15
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Subscribe Now40 Prayer Points for Ministerial Growth.
My Father, I thank you for the opportunity and privilege to see another beautiful day.
- Psalm 32:8
My Father, I thank you for your guidance and protection upon my life in Jesus name.
- My Father, I thank you for your provision in every area of my life in Jesus name.
- 1 Chronicles 4:10
Oh Lord, in your power and might bless my ministry and expand my ministry in Jesus name.
- My Father, make my ministry a worldwide ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, by your fire dry up every Arrow of stagnation short into my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, silence every evil voice speaking against my ministry in Jesus name.
- My Father, by your power put an abrupt end to the activities of the wicked against my ministry in Jesus name.
- My Father, raise helpers that will help me in ministry for me in Jesus name.
- Psalm 20:2
God, send me your great help from above to help and strengthen me in all areas of my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, I cancel every power of stunted growth in my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, baptise my ministry with your renewal and revival fire in Jesus name.
- My Father, announce my ministry for the world in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, you powers behind constant delay in my ministry, submit your powers right now in Jesus name.
- My Father, baptise my ministry with the anointing of great speed to run and overtake like Elijah in Jesus name.
- Psalm 126:6
My Father, cause the seeds have sown in the lives of people and my ministry to bring forth fruits speedily in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, by your power burst open all doors of favour closed against my ministry in Jesus name.
- God, by your power I call on the angelic presence to help me in my ministry in Jesus name.
- God, bless me with the assurance of your power and favour in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, cause your angels to announce my ministry in the four angles of the earth in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, every satanic embargo placed on my ministry is hereby removed in Jesus name.
- My Father, by your power I terminate every Arrow of poverty shot into my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, give me a voice and make me a voice in my generation in Jesus name.
- My Father, reveal to me everything I need to know to move my ministry forward in Jesus name.
- My Father, help me to always take the right steps and make the right decisions in my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, locate my ministry with your miracle, signs and wonders in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, send fire into the camp of the evil ones fighting against my ministry in Jesus name.
- My Father, demolish every plan of the wicked to demote me ministerially in Jesus name.
- 29. Exodus 31:3
My Father, release upon me the wisdom and knowledge for my ministerial enlargement and advancement in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, expose and disgrace every satanic forces and powers planning to take over my ministry in Jesus name.
- God, I cast and bind out every spirit of rejection sent into my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, dismantle every plan of the enemy to frustrate me in my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, I arrest by your fire every spirit of disappointment sent into my ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, supply everything needed to move my ministry forward in Jesus name.
- My Father, silence every power assigned against me in ministry to make me struggle in Jesus name.
- God, every evil weapon programmed at me and targeted at my ministry will cease to work right now in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, I decree and declare open every door of miracle, signs, wonders, breakthroughs, expansion and testimonies to burst open for me in ministry in Jesus name.
- Oh Lord, make me a true and worthy ambassador of this ministry in Jesus name
- Oh Lord, grant me the grace to live up to the standard of my calling in you in Jesus name.
- My Father, I hand over my ministry into your hands, take over my ministry and direct my ministry according to your glorious plans for me in Jesus name. Amen