40 Prayers Against Failure At The Edge Of Breakthrough
KEY SCRIPTURES: Isaiah 41:10-14; 54:15-17
Isaiah 41:11-12 “Behold, all they that were incensed against you shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with you shall perish. 10:12 “You shall seek them, and shall not find them, even them that contended with you: they that war against you shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nothing.”
God’s plan for his children is thought of good and not of evil but when men slept, the enemy came to sow tears, and this can hinder the perfect working condition planned for a believer if care is not taken. The bible has already stated that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, so every believer is expected to pray without season and take it by violence. The spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough is a destructive spirit. One can labor for so long and when victory or success is imminent, disaster can happen which can make one start all over again, all these can happen if you don’t pray against all workings of such destructive spirit.
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Subscribe NowSatan, our adversary never seeks the success of God’s creation. Oftentimes, people keep wondering why their lives are operating in an unfavorable manner, they try all possible means, but it seems their best were never good enough. Stagnancy can be so frustrating and when spirit of failure is in operation, these could lead to depression and sometimes, thought of suicide can be entertained which is the wishes of these destructive spirits. To be an overcomer, you need to have a strong prayer altar. If there is a mouth to pray, there is a God to answer. If God can do it for the people of old, he is still in the power of answering prayers only if you can pray your way out. Spirits that are responsible for failure at the edge of breakthrough fight vehemently to hinder and block people when their breakthroughs, miracle and success are near. In this article, we will be praying with 40 prayer points to prevent failure at the edge of breakthrough. We must pray against all destructive spirits seriously. Prayers against bad luck and near success syndrome must be aggressively prayed. You have to destroy all plans of the devil over your destiny and make him the loser that he is.
40 Prayers Against Failure At The Edge Of Breakthrough
- Thank you, Lord, for the prevailing power over my own being and life, be glorified in Jesus’ name.
- Cleanse me from every filthiness that will be a hindrance to my prayer this day in Jesus’ name.
- I claim my victory over every spirit of backwardness in Jesus’ name.
- Father, in everything I do, I will be the head and not the tail in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Lord, every condemning spirit assigned to frustrate my effort be paralyzed by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Father, every strange king enthroned from the pit of hell over my breakthrough be dethroned by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Every strange voice manipulating my destiny from shining, be silenced in Jesus’ name.
- Every silent arrow in my blood waiting for my day of celebration, comes out by force in Jesus’ name.
- The sword of my enemies will not hinder my breakthrough in all ramifications in Jesus’ name.
- Anointing of conquering, possess me by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Lord, I release myself from every inherited problem and curse from my lineage in the mighty name of Jesus.
- I receive supernatural lifting from where I am to where I should be in Jesus’ name.
- I reject every failure at the edge of my breakthrough targeted at my path in Jesus’ name.
- Every gang up of the evil ones to cause failure in all my endeavors, scatter such meetings by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Every evil altar constructed to monitor my life for destruction, scatter by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Every power assigned to cut me off at the peak of my life and endeavors, I destroy you by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Every monitoring demon that has vowed that I will not step into my glory, be wasted by fire in Jesus’ name.
- I release my hidden glory and promotion from the bondage of the strongman in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Every divination targeted to keep me stagnant, backfire in the name of Jesus.
- Powers delaying blessing and success in my life, die by fire in Jesus’ name.
- I disconnect my life and destiny from last minute failure from my lineage in Jesus’ name.
- Father, every demon and power mandated to bring chaos at the edge of breakthrough be nullified by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Every evil cobweb built by evil forces to cover me from destiny helpers needed for my breakthrough, destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Oh Lord, arise and destroy every challenge at the edge of my miracle in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Oh Lord, don’t allow the evil of the enemies to prevail over my breakthrough in life in Jesus’ name.
- Every glory attacker waiting to attack me at the edge of breakthrough, be destroyed by thunder in Jesus’ name.
- Every strongman that has vowed that over his / her dead body when I succeed at the edge of breakthrough, let him / her die a shameful death in Jesus’ name.
- Every door of my breakthrough, having a demonic padlock, breaks by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Oh Lord, silence every voice of evil postponing my blessings in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Evil spirit masquerading to unable me, be bound in the mighty name of Jesus.
- All my sweat on the affairs of my life shall not be in vain in the name of Jesus.
- I will not die before, during and after my breakthrough in Jesus’ name. Victory to overcome is released into my life.
- Good things in me shall not be aborted by any contrary spirit in the name of Jesus. Good things in me will manifest.
- Evil forces stepping on my goodness, be paralyzed by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Father, power saying no to my breakthrough, what are you waiting for, die by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Oh Lord, every battle that comes my way when my breakthrough is near, be paralyzed in the name of Jesus.
- Every ancestral power hanging at the door of my breakthrough be destroyed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Every glory killer of my father and mother’s house, be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.
- Anyone that accepted witchcraft for my sake to hinder my breakthrough in life, Holy Ghost fire, consumes them alive in Jesus’s name.
- Oh Lord, every mistake of my parents will not become a tragedy to my breakthrough, rectify it for my success in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Lord, for all answered prayers, testimonies shall abound. Amen.