45 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Sickness

45 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Sickness

45 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Sickness


Acts 10:38. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”. 

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1john 3:8. “He that commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil”. 1john 3:8.


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Today we are looking at spiritual sickness and how to overcome it. spiritual sickness is a sickness that has no physical root and has defiled all known medical solutions. It is a sickness that emanates from the spirit realm. It is mostly inflicted by the devil and his agents to devour and gradually kill a person.

The spiritual controls the physical and so whatever comes from the spirit realm can’t have a physical solution, it must also be solved in the spiritual. Since spiritual sickness is from the devil and his dark world and spiritual health is from heaven, and we know that whatever is from above, which is heaven is above all, that means we need spiritual healing from heaven to destroy spiritual sickness from the devil.

The devil and his agents inflict these illnesses and most times the doctors won’t even see anything as being the root cause of the sickness, that is the agents of the devil at work. But remember that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and with power to go around and heal all that are sick and oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Jesus is still going around today, healing and delivering His children from all spiritual sickness and oppression of the devil. If you will believe that word today, you will see His mighty hand come upon you to heal you today. He sent his word of healing to them, He healed them and delivered them from their destruction. Whatever the devil and his agents have projected into you to destroy you and your destiny, by the sent word of God, you are healed and delivered right now, in the mighty name of Jesus. Jesus came that he might destroy the works of the devil and you know that spiritual sickness is of the devil, therefore that spiritual sickness, no matter what they call it, is destroyed right now and you are free. If only you will pray the prayer points below and believe in the healing power of God, you will eat the good of the land. So engage in prayer and fasting, believing that God has done it, and you will see it done in your life.

45 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Sickness

1). Father, You breathe into Adam and he becomes a living being, breath the breath of life into me Lord and cause me to be lively again, in Jesus name.

2). Father, I cover my entire household with the blood of Jesus, none of the sickness and diseases of Egypt will find its way to my house, in Jesus name.

3). Father, You said in your word that when I serve you, You will take both physical and spiritual sickness away from me, I am your son, and I serve you my God, take every spiritual and physical sickness out of my life, in Jesus name.

4). Father, just as the children of Israel looked unto the bronze serpent and they were healed from snake poison, as I look unto Jesus Christ today, every spiritual poison killing me gradually disappears from my body forever, in Jesus name.

5). Father, I prophesy to my dry spiritual sickness ridden body right now, hear the word of the Lord and be made whole right now, in the name of Jesus.

6). Father, I prophesy to my life that it is well with my body, soul and spirit, in Jesus name.

8). Father, cause every spiritual sickness in my body to hear the word of the Lord, I give you a new name today. You are a stranger in my body and I drive you away today and forever, in Jesus name.

9). Father, I believe that this spiritual sickness in my body will not kill me, the power of God in Christ Jesus has delivered me from this sickness, in Jesus name.

10). Father, I confess today that my redeemer lives and because He lives, I shall live to share my testimonies of my divine healing from this spiritual sickness, in Jesus name.

11). Father, heal me from this spiritual sickness and relieve me of every pain all over my body, in Jesus name.

12). Father, the dead cannot praise you, only the living can, I declare that I shall live to see the end of this  spiritual sickness, in Jesus name.

13). Father, the name of Jesus is my strong tower, I am covered by that name, I declare that no  spiritual sickness shall overcome me, in Jesus name.

14). Father, remove every spiritual sickness and disease that lead to death from my life. Let your healing be permanent in my life, in Jesus name.

15). Father, I give every spiritual sickness in my life a new name, I hereby name them “foreigners”. Therefore the Bible says: the foreigners shall fade away, And come frightened from their hideouts. I command every foreigner hiding in my body to disappear now, pack your belongings out of my body and never return,  in the name of Jesus.

16). Father, deliver me from every spiritual sickness that is gradually eating me up, save me to serve you, in the name of Jesus.

17). Father, let every spiritual sickness and disease that brings dryness to my body and expose my bones be rebuked today. I drink the blood of Jesus with faith and I receive back my health, in the mighty name of Jesus.

18). Father, heal me today of all spiritual sickness, so that I will share my testimonies in the congregation of the children of God, in Jesus name

19). Father, your word said that you hear the cry of the afflicted. Hear my cry of faith, let me receive my instant healing today,  in the name of Jesus.

20). Father, bring peace and healing to my life and take away the weight of spiritual sickness from my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

21). Father, I cry to you in faith today, stretch forth your healing hands and send my instant healing from all spiritual sickness, in the precious name of Jesus.

22). Father, you conquered the power of death and the grave for me. I declare that I shall not die from this spiritual sickness, but shall live to declare your good works in my life, in the name of Jesus.

23). Father, you are the God that is fearful in praise, as I praise you today, let every spiritual sickness in my life drop off forever, in Jesus name.

24). Father, Jesus Christ the son of David, have mercy on me, heal me instantly from this spiritual sickness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

25). Father, turn this spiritual sickness to healing  and testimony today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

26). Father, pull me out of the circle of every spiritual sickness and disease, in the mighty name of Jesus.

27). Father, do not judge me by the measure of my faith over this spiritual sickness. Let the rain of healing, deliverance and restoration fall on me today and restore my health, in Jesus name.

28). Father, let every spiritual sickness that leads to death, hear the word of the Lord and  lose their hold from my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

29). Father, you are the giver of the breath of life, give me a new breadth of life today so that I will receive a permanent healing and restoration from every spiritual sickness in my life, in the name of Jesus.

30). Father, bring me out from the pit of spiritual sickness and death and let me sing your praises again and again, in Jesus name.

31). Father, redeem my soul from the power of death and the grave. Heal me completely from this spiritual sickness that is ravaging my life, in Jesus name.

32). Father, heal my body of all pains caused by this spiritual sickness and make me whole again, in Jesus name.

33). Father, keep my soul among the living and don’t let my feet slip into the grave as a result of this spiritual sickness, in the name of Jesus.

34) Father, redeem my soul from the clutches of spiritual sickness and let it disappear from my body forever, in the mighty name of Jesus.

35). Father, I prophesy speedy recovery of my body from this infirmity and I am restored better than before, in the mighty name of Jesus.

36). Father, forgive me of every sin that might have led to these spiritual sicknesses, heal me and make me whole today, in the mighty name of Jesus.

37). Father, by your word, I decree and declare that I shall be delivered from this spiritual sickness permanently, in the mighty name of Jesus.

38). Father, by your word, send your word healing and deliverance to me today and heal me of all spiritual sicknesses and deliver my life from destruction, in the mighty name of Jesus.

39). Father, by your word of healing and restoration, restore back to me my lost health and strengthen me by your mighty hand, in the mighty name of Jesus.

40). Father, I shall arise and recover from this illness because I have several businesses of the King of kings that I must do here on earth, in Jesus name.

41). Father, because I have received forgiveness from you, every affliction arising from my sins are washed by the blood of the Lamb and I am made whole right now, in the mighty name of Jesus.

42). Father, by your mighty hand, I return this tormenting spiritual sickness back to the sender, in Jesus name.

43). Father, your word says, that none who dwells in Zion shall say “I am sick”. I therefore decree and declare that I am healed from this spiritual sickness and my life is restored back to its actual state, in the mighty name of Jesus.

44). Father, I declare that I am totally healed and delivered from every spiritual sickness in my body which arose from eating in the dream or in the physical, in Jesus name.

45). Father, I thank you for answering my prayers and healing me of all spiritual sickness that ravaged my life, in the name of Jesus.

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